Rejected from 16 colleges life update

I posted a results thread months ago back when decisions came out about how I was rejected everywhere and I wanted to provide a little update into how my life is going (spoiler alert: it DOES get better!)

I was probably sad and honestly depressed about my results for months, I want to say that I literally just felt god awful all the time from March until august. I take rejection not sooo well (clearly lol) and I hope a senior now reading this can take something away from my journey because I’m one to compare myself so harshly and I’m always trying to find out what’s wrong with me and I’m finally in a better place now!

graduating felt very freeing in a sense that I was out of a toxic environment and no longer surrounded by people that cared more about competing against me than uplifting me. I also had to swallow the hard pill that no matter how much I cry, no matter how many people who landed in my dream colleges I compare myself to, and no matter how many things I could’ve done better I found- I couldn’t have done anything at that point. when I moved in, I went in knowing I’d probably want to transfer, but I also made sure to look forward to things and just stop being so upset about my past that it overshadows my present.

I made a lot of really great friends where I’m at now and I’m involved in some activities, got a fellowship, got an internship, lots of new partnerships on TikTok, and things are honestly going well!!

do I still get sad about what could’ve happened had I gotten into my dream school? 100%. and honestly I still think about transferring and I just might send in a few apps and see what happens BUT I don’t let that control my entire life anymore! I so wish that when I started applying to colleges I knew that my life wasn’t going to end because that would’ve made things a lot easier. also I just wanted to say that therapy does help too and it’s not a bad thing to ask for help! I’m a lot happier now and yes of course I wish things were different sometimes but not everything goes the way you plan it


I am glad you are happier!

I am sure you have also discovered that the school you are attending has plenty of accomplished, impressive students not unlike you. And obviously there are abundant career opportunities you are taking advantage of — congrats!

Keep in mind that had you landed at a more selective school, you may have faced even more competition for internships, club participation, and other opportunities. You may be doing more cool things now than peers at the schools that did not accept your application. These things can be a blessing in disguise.

I suspect you are in a great environment for your light to shine its absolute brightest. Good for you for making the most of it!


So glad to hear you are feeling better, working hard, making friends, & finding new opportunities. All the best wishes for sense of accomplishment during your college education.


Thanks for coming back to update your story. Glad to hear that therapy is helping.

Linking to original post. Only Accepted to 2/19 Colleges… why?


thank you so much! I agree- it would’ve been harder to navigate the opportunities in a more selective school. I’m trying to take advantage of what’s offered to me and make the most out of it :slight_smile:


Thank you for coming back to share this update. I’m sure it’ll help many others.

I’m very happy to hear things are working out for you. You’re at a great school with great opportunities, and you seem to be making the most of it. Having an internship in hand already is impressive - especially as a freshman. Good for you!


@iseeusee Your attitude and grit are commendable. You will shine irrespective if you stay at UMD(i believe that was you) and then go to your dream grad school or if you throw in a couple of transfer apps. Just make sure that you always know your worth.


Stop chasing the Illusion. The Illusion that something is better. You sound very happy and doing well in college Making friends, getting internships etc. This is doing college and your doing it well. Many threads on CC are about students not making friends, not getting internships and depressed at college.

Changing colleges can lead you into that trap.

You seem like your doing well. Keep doing that and strive to be your best.

Pro Hint : no one cares really where you went to school. In my neighborhood some went to the Ivys, Some known Hard to get into schools and some in no brand schools. We all live in similar houses, drive similar cars and kids went to similar schools. No one cares.


This, 100%


The person with 1.3 million tik tok?

UMD got a gem. They love you. Love them back.

You like it there. Why would you throw in a transfer app?

Those at UMD will likely do just as well in their overall careers as UNC - I remember was one you wanted - and you weren’t even assured business there as it’s not direct entry.

I noted this on the last chain.

Very few people in life can generate 1.3 million tik toks. Most the kids you’d go to Harvard, UNC - wherever - will never have a tik-tok with 1.3 million subscribers or views, etc.

It’s the person that will make their success in life - far more than the school (short of maybe a few majors).

Be the best you - and be good to UMD as they have been good to you - you already have a fellowship and an internship. Few kids at even top schools will have internships - after their first summer.

You are a stud - and that’s why you are successful.

It’s your name - not the school’s name bringing you this success.

UMD is OUTSTANDING - and it sounds like they got an outstanding contributor to the community as well.

You’re likely learning - there never should have been a dream school - because they’re all a dream if you take advantage and make it such!!!

I wish you great success.

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I say the same thing. It’s not the name of the school it’s what you do at the school your at that sets you apart. I really hope the OP hears us loud and clear :loud_sound::joy: