Rejected from Davis. Should I expect much from others?

I was rejected by Davis on Friday, which really caught me by surprise considering statistics from previous years. Just to preface I have:
32 ACT
1410 SAT
4.4 GPA
Lots of AP/IB/Honors classes, plus I am in a prestigious sub-academy at my school
president of two campus clubs, founder of one
I am very active in local politics, interned for my congressman over the past two years
various other ECs
This rejection has turned my perspective of UCs upside down, since I was confident I would get into Davis. With that in mind, are my chances for other UCs at the level or above Davis completely diminished? I would just like to know what to expect in these upcoming weeks.

Each UC campus reviews applicants based on the UC 14 areas of criteria, but each can weight these areas differently. Each UC campus is trying to admit a diverse class that they feel “fits” their particular campus. A denial at one UC is not an indication of how you will fare at the other campuses. You are a competitive applicant so I am sure you will several options in the end. Best of luck.

What is you major? Your stats are very good. You probably have a chance from UCI, UCSB or UCSD. I know of someone last year with similar stats, applied as a computer science/engineering major, was rejected by UCD, wait listed at either UCSB or UCI and accepted at UCI or UCSB that was not wait listed… UCSD accepted this person alternatively under undeclared rather than the computer science/engineering major. UCLA, UCB and USC rejected this person. The person chose to go to Cal Poly SLO. The ACT was 34, a little higher. If your major is not impacted, I think you are in for UCI, UCSB or UCSD.

What is your UC GPA?

Not all high school weighted classes are given an extra bump in GPA by the UCs. To look up which classes at your high school get the extra bump, go to

you may want to appeal. Hopefully, you have other choices.