Rejected from UCD, UCB, UCSD, and UCLA!

<p>I just found out yesterday night that I will be flat out rejected from UCD, UCLA, UCB, and UCSD. This is because I am missing one of the a-g requirements (one year of visual/performing arts). I just realized it last night and now I am screwed. Oh well, have to bet on private colleges now. Poor me, I should have paid attention to my transcript before.</p>

<p>Worst and the most dumb mistake somebody will ever make.</p>

<p>However, I will go to Caltech now.

<p>You got accepted into Caltech?</p>

<p>Sorry. I thought the computer application wouldn’t even go through if you didn’t indicate all the requirements (weren’t “eligible”). Is that not true?</p>

<p>my condoloences, synchro.</p>

<p>^^^ Thanks (you have the best username ever).</p>

<p>@Shrinkwrap: no it is not true (I mistakenly assumed computer applications as one of the visual/performing arts subjects and filled it out and the UC online application proceeded further.)</p>

<p>@Korean: yes I got into Caltech EA.</p>

<p>What are your test scores? You may be eligible by testing alone. You need to average 690 on all five tests (690*5 = 3450).</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>wow. Congrats on Caltech. It’s hella lot harder to get into Caltech than UCLA and Berkeley combined,haha.</p>

<p>I’d choose UCD, UCSD, UCLA, and UCB over caltech personally</p>

<p>You can be in CalTech Heaven with hercules!</p>

<p>What does this mean… If you achieve the score of 425, your automatically eligible? What do they mean by eligible? Eligible to apply? Or Eligible for Admissions?</p>

<p>Man that blows. At least you got Caltech though!</p>

<p>It means you are eligible for UC admissions, regardless of whether you complete the a-g courses. Eligibility by examination is frequently used by homeschoolers and out-of-staters who don’t meet the a-g requirements.</p>

<p>The OP maybe be posturing for attention. If you are in-state, your high school will not have failed to point out your missing A-G course. If you are OOS, you qualify by examination. But this is what you get when you have an OP who wants to be distinguished. In other posts, OP says (s)he was rejected by Cal Poly SLO.</p>

<p>You can also try “admissions by exception”</p>

I admit, I was rejected by CalPoly SLO, I do not know why (I had 2310 SAT Reasoning, 2190 SAT subject tests, 4.33 W and 4.0 UW, plus international physics olympiad 2007 silver medal winner) that happened. I am happy for Caltech though but am anxiously awaiting MIT’s and Stanford’s decision.</p>

<p>I am not trying to conjecture any attention, I am only sharing my dismal state with all of you guys.</p>

<p>Also, my school NEVER NEVER NEVER told me anything about the one year of visual/performing arts that I needed for going to a UC. I hate my counselors now, my parents want to sue them, but I should have paid more attention (how? I was only 2 months old in the country when I selected my courses for my lone school year in the US)</p>

<p>that sucks…congrats on caltech though</p>

<p>I believe you can take an art class this summer. Call an Admissions admin of the schools you want to go to to see if that is an option. I have read on this board this you can do that.</p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>