Why was I waitlisted?

<p>White Male
3.82 W GPA
Class Rank 52/326
2010 SAT (710 CR, 610 M, 690 W)
690 on SAT II US History
660 on SAT II Literature
Mother attended VT and my brother is a 2nd year student.
applied as a polSci major.</p>

<p>I am highly disappointed, as VT was my first choice and I was not expecting a waitlist. People with lower stats than me at my high school were accepted, which doesn't make sense to me. Also, if VT does take from the waitlist (i know they haven't in like the last 3 years), do you think I will be accepted?</p>

<p>Those are some pretty surprising stats to get waitlisted; not to mention legacy and a non engineering major.</p>

<p>Maybe it was GPA. I really dunno. I got into VT with lower stats than that. I didn’t have legacy and applied Engineering. I was first gen and my HS only had a 130 student senior class size. I’m honestly shocked that you got waitlisted. One question though, are you by any chance from NoVa?</p>

<p>ECs? Essays? Recs?</p>

<p>I feel you, i got waitlisted last year with a 3.79gpa with AP’s, e.c., and leadership positions…i did apply to the ENGR department,but id thought theyd accept me into university studies</p>

<p>No one got off the waitlist last year but i am applying as a transfer, if you would like i can tell u all u need to know about transfering after one year? ill let u know my gpa, if i got in, and when i heard back</p>

<p>ECs essays and Recs don’t matter.</p>

<p>Oly, are you from Northern Virginia?</p>

<p>I asked the exact same thing Chuy. I know that NoVa is incredibly competitive.</p>

<p>Most challenging high school course load? I know they highly value what level courses were taken by the applicant. They look very closely at the strength of curriculum. A high GPA with the majority of classes being “Z” level or equivalent or not taking a 4th year of math/science (taking an elective instead) may have had a negative impact.</p>

<p>If the OP did take a challenging course load all the way through, I am also surprised in the WL decision.</p>

<p>I thought I had great essays (I did all 3), and had an outstanding teacher rec. Yes, I am from NoVA, but my courseload was competitive. Total of 9 APs in high school (4 in APWorld, 4 in APUSH, 5 in Psych) I am taking 5 this year (6 if you count Macro/Micro).</p>

<p>That is flabbergasting, I agree.</p>

<p>Call and ask. It’s done all the time, and it’s the only way you’Ll know for sure.</p>

<p>I agree - call and ask - or have your guidance counselor call - they may give you some insight into why you were waitlisted and what your chances are of coming off the waitlist.</p>

<p>OlyLifter - just curious - did you call or have your GC call? I’m wondering what the response was.</p>

<p>@Paaquan I’d sure like to know more info about the VTech transfer process…</p>

<p>You might be over-qualified. It might be that they think someone with stats like yours wouldn’t attend VT</p>

<p>sugana,I very much doubt they thought the OP was overqualified. There are PLENTY of kids with SAT’s over 1300 at VT (they don’t consider the writing for admissions-at least they didn’t in 2009).The admissions people will tell you what the issue was if you ask. My son was initially waitlisited in engineering in '09(ended up getting off the waitlist and into university studies initially ) which was a surprise as we thought Virginia Tech was a match. 1360 SAT but only about 44/320 in his class. The admissions person (an assistant dean if I recall) responded to his email about being waitlisted that he was lower down in qualifications from many of the kids from his high school. The problem with that was that many of the kids who applied and were accepted from his school viewed VT as a safety and went on to places like Ivy or UVa. A few ranked higher than him did have VT as their first choice and did end up attending VT. He was an AP scholar with distinction with excellent EC’s so we were very disappointed. By the way ,this was not NOVA. It was a large,competitive public high school in another part of the state. So, this kind of stuff does not only hapen in NOVA. To the OP, they do occasionally go to the waitlist . They did heavily in 09(took about 800 from a 2800 person waitlist) but I don’t believe they took anyone last year. But you never know. Good luck!</p>

<p>Today I logged into my VT guest account, just to check to see if my status had changed, not expecting anything yet. When I logged in, however it no longer had my decision and waitlist information up. All it says now is “processed application” and looks the same as before my decision was given. Does this mean anything, like they are considering me off the waitlist? Or is this just wishful thinking?</p>

<p>same thing happened to my page, oly. cross your fingers!</p>

<p>Can you post a screenshot? this is what mine looks like right now
<a href=“http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4294/110531173434.png[/url]”>http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4294/110531173434.png&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>yup, that’s exactly what mine looks like</p>