Rejection Dance Party over here!


<p><em>Moves to the center of the floor, rocks hips and twists left foot</em></p>

<p><em>"Material Girl" resonates throughout the room</em></p>

<p>Come on, guys!!!! </p>

<p>Why won't anyone join my dance party? </p>

<p>Let's go! </p>


<p>Does this mean you got rejected, or are you just throwing this dance party for the others who got rejected?</p>

<p>Um, for right now I suppose that it's my dance party for all those who have been officially rejected. And as I wholeheartedly anticipate a Rice rejection in less than 20 or so hours -- yeah, I'm in on it. </p>

<p>Shhh, RJD2 is on now. Ghostwriter. <em>Dips forward, back and forth, shifts shoulders, swiftly pivots to the side, jolts up chin</em></p>

<p>I expect a Chicago rejection in less than 20 hours.</p>

<p>Want to dance, neverborn?</p>

<p>Yaaay! Dance party! :D</p>

<p>Yaaay! </p>

<p><em>neverborn and janel glide across the dancefloor together</em></p>

<p>We are elegant. :D</p>

<p>wow you people are still awake. you should all help me write my northwestern essays.</p>

<p>when is northwestern due?</p>

<p>yeah rjd2 !!!</p>

<p>I will chaperone :eek:!</p>

<p>i'll be joining you guys soon.</p>

<p>Yeah! I'm joining the dance party! I'll be over by the punch...</p>

<p>Janel, I think I'm going to have to leave the dance party. Somehow I ended up IN at UChicago.</p>

<p>Haha yes I noticed, and congrats and be off on your merry way!</p>

<p>~/ drinks on the house folks</p>

<p>Ghostwriter is my favorite song from Dead Ringer. I always felt that was the album that I liked that no one else knew about... I don't really have many others like it. I don't have a transfer app in, but I think you guys are cool just for that.</p>

<p><em>Still rocking out</em></p>