rejection hurts :( -need advice-

<p>At least you guys are cal residents…you actually have a chance at an appeal. I have a 4.0 and all but 1 prereq complete (because the CC here doesn’t offer the class) but being OOS simply puts you at a major disadvantage…sucks! Granted, UCLA was my last choice but it still stings to get the boot. Especially since it squashes all hopes of Cal for me :(</p>

<p>Don’t sweat it. You clearly made Cal your first choice and have met the requirements. Listen to your counselor.</p>

<p>If it’s any consolation, my son did not get into UCLA (got the “Bobcats to Bruins” option instead), but got admitted to Cal.</p>

<p>Even if your worst fears are realized, you have some great choices, and it is what it is for a reason.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, do NOT give up hope!</p>

<p>I hope you get into Cal man, good luck :slight_smile: You seem very well qualified to me</p>

<p>you’ll get in cal! i pretty hope so. If it make any better, UCR rejects me, the lowest tier school. I should be sad.</p>

<p>Woah… UCR seriously rejected you? Did you have 4 units completed?!</p>

<p>i am quite sure that UCLA wont reject you due to the major title…
in my own personal statement…i am just saying i want to study economics and economics is my only interest…ba ba ba…
And my applied major is Business economics , but not simply economics.</p>

<p>I really think you need to stop whining… You got into UCSD and UCD. Seriously you are fine, stop being so picky about what school you want to go to and be thankful two colleges have given you the opportunity to go to their school</p>

<p>do you guys know the people who got rejected from ucla and got into berkeley?(specially in econ major?)</p>

<p>My stats: GPA 3.82 All preq and igetc done</p>

<p>It’s not the end of the world
Davis woulda been my second choice after LA (even after Cal and SD), it’s such a nice school and campus
you also need to find a school that fits your major and your lifestyle.
Honestly, only reason im going to LA is because it has a better History program than Davis (and i can stay close to home, but i have SC as a backup for that excuse)</p>

<p>its all in the name . i’m sure you could get a great quality education at the school you got into. its all about how you respond to it, and how you are as a student. when it comes down to it, you’re ultimately responsible for your quality of education…unless you have some of the worst professors ever and go to the worst school (but none of those schools you got accepted are like that). = / my professor use to tell stories all the time about harvard and yale graduates who were dumb and unpopular in the workplace. soo i hope you feel better and get into CAL like me :(</p>


<p>and they said i was missing a language of hebrew, arabic or persian. but the thing is on ASSIST.ORG. There is nothing. all it says is:</p>

<pre><code> Articulation Agreement by Major
Effective during the 09-10 Academic Year

        ====Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations/B.A.====                 


<p>Transfer admission to UCLA is competitive; strong academic preparation and
performance are primary elements of the admission review. Information about
UCLA’s transfer selection process is available at
[UCLA</a> Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“”> You should complete as many major preparation courses
as possible prior to transfer. For information regarding preparation for this
major, visit <a href=“[/url]”></a> and</p>

<h2>[UCLA</a> Registrar’s Office: General Catalog 2009-10](<a href=“]UCLA”></h2>


<p>what do i do?!!! im confused and i think its highly unfair that it says i need a language which isnt even on the list of requirements!</p>

<p>for berkeley it says this:</p>

<p>Near Eastern Civilizations:<br>
Both emphases of this major require NES 10 (Introduction to the Near East).<br>
The Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations emphasis requires an additional lower
division course (NES 15, 18, 25, or 34).
The Islamic Civilizations emphasis recommends an additional lower-division
course in Near Eastern Studies (NES C26 or NES C92).</p>

<p>but those are not offered anywhere near me.</p>

<p>um I have noooo idea why you were rejected!! I don’t think your major is impacted at all and you have an amazing gpa!<br>
You should most definitely call! Maybe it was a pre-req issue!?</p>


<p>thats what im sayin! the prereq they said i was missing a language of hebrew, arabic or persian. but the thing is on ASSIST.ORG. There is nothing at all.</p>


<p>The thing is though, I had this experience in the past and whenever I went to appeal, some of the schools were rude and I lost interest and thougth “why do I want to go here again?” lol-things work out the way they’re supposed to, cheesy as crap as that sounds or not hahha.</p>

<p>Seriously! It IS just a name after all! Besides, if you go to grad school you have a second chance!</p>


<p>What did you say to the person you called after saying it isn’t included on assist? If I could recommend, call them again and let them know. </p>

<p>I also recommend speaking directly to the head of the department…</p>

<p>[UCLA</a> Center for Near Eastern Studies :: About Us](<a href=“]UCLA”></p>

<p>Let her know that you are applied to the major, were rejected, learned that you were missing a pre-req and that it isn’t stated on assist that is in fact a pre-req. She may be able to help you.</p>

<p>wait, can you really call and ask why you were denied? May I please have the number?

<p>@whatasunnyday i emailed them, ill see what happens. worried.</p>

<p>@syrinx <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

-starting point mentorship program (berkeley)
-experience Berkeley program
These experience will get you in UCB.</p>