Should I be worried for CAL? i need advice/comments

<p>heres my stats:</p>

<p>Major: Near Eastern Civilization
GPA: 3.77
EC: student govt, lots of volunteering, light political work, etc
Essay: people said it was really good
Pre-reqs: my major didnt have pre-reqs offered at my college/near me
-starting point mentorship program (berkeley)
-experience Berkeley program</p>

<p>I was denied admission to UCLA as a transfer and I called today to ask
why. And what I was told was because I did not have Arabic, Hebrew or
Persian. The thing is I checked before nov 30th and now on and there
was no pre reqs listed from my college to UCLA. I was shocked that
I was denied admission for a
requirement that was not listed on</p>

<p>heres what it literally shows:
Articulation Agreement by Major
Effective during the 09-10 Academic Year</p>

<p>====Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations/B.A.====
Transfer admission to UCLA is competitive; strong academic preparation and
performance are primary elements of the admission review. Information about
UCLA's transfer selection process is available at
UCLA Undergraduate Admissions. You should complete as many major preparation courses
as possible prior to transfer. For information regarding preparation for this
major, visit <a href=""&gt;;/a> and</p>

<h2>UCLA Registrar's Office: General Catalog 2009-10.</h2>


<p>but on the ucla site it says this:
Transfer Students
To be admitted as Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations majors, transfer students with 90 or more units must complete the following introductory courses prior to admission to UCLA: one civilization course for all options, one year of German or French for the options in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Near Eastern archaeology and cultures, and one year of Hebrew for the biblical studies option.</p>

<p>B.A</a>. in Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations</p>

<p>90 units wth?</p>

<p>Okay so before my TAP counselor applied suggested that rhetoric and near eastern
civilizations were the 'easier' majors to get into. Im a history major
but we just made it work and I applied with N.E.C. since UCLA had the
same. Now im very worried that choosing this major might jeopardize my
chances at CAL?</p>

<p>On it says I need this:</p>

<p>Near Eastern Civilizations:
Both emphases of this major require NES 10 (Introduction to the Near East).
The Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations emphasis requires an additional lower
division course (NES 15, 18, 25, or 34).
The Islamic Civilizations emphasis recommends an additional lower-division
course in Near Eastern Studies (NES C26 or NES C92).</p>

<p>L&S</a> Majors - Near Eastern Studies</p>

<p>but obviously those classes are not available at my college or nearby. I
need to know what my chances are at this point. I am extremely worried
at this point. I have worked to hard and too long at my college for
anything to go wrong at this point. CAL doesnt say anything about needing persian/hebrew/arabic for NEC it does for the near eastern studies of language and cultures major though.</p>

<p>please let me know. I cannot focus and i know i might be blowing this
way out of proportion but i cannot help but to feel this way. I emailed my tap counselor, i wanna know what she has to say. hopefully its "s tfu youre likely to get in"</p>

<p>need adviceā€¦</p>