rejection hurts :( -need advice-

<p>Though UCLA is not my #1 choice, its #2 (applied to CAL,UCLA,UCD(IN), AND UCSD(IN)) I am hurt :( I think of it this way, if ucla rejected me, why would CAL take me?</p>

<p>heres my stats:</p>

<p>Major: Near Eastern Civilization
GPA: 3.77
EC: student govt, lots of volunteering, light political work, etc
Essay: people said it was really good
Pre-reqs: my major didnt have pre-reqs
-starting point mentorship program (berkeley)
-experience Berkeley program</p>

<p>I am worried because on the UC application it had the option of "near eastern civilization" for CAL and "ancient near eastern civilization" for UCLA. On the personal statement I put "I would like to pursue near eastern civilization blah blah" I did not put "ancient", do you think ucla rejected me because I did not put "ancient" like maybe they thought, why should we accept this guy, cant even get the major's full title right.</p>

<p>Also on and berkeley's near eastern civilization major is not listed, it says "near eastern studies" when on the application it only allowed me to select "near eastern civilizations" and on a CAL pamphlet it said the civilization title.</p>

<p>also since i have: UCB TAP
-starting point mentorship program (berkeley)
-experience berkeley program</p>

<p>maybe UCLA rejected me since i have a whole bunch of berkeley crap, they probably thought this guy has TAP etc, we might as well give the spot to someone who actually wants to get into ucla. </p>

<p>but the thing is I wanted to get into UCLA, because if i got rejected from CAL, UCLA would be my backup. Now that ucla is out of the picture, im worried sh it less about maybe getting rejected from CAL. </p>

<p>Im very worried now because my initial major was history (had all pre reqs and 4.0 in that major) but my tap counselor suggested near eastern studies since it is a easy major to get into bc i was worried about my grades in fall 09 (i did fine but that was after nov30th)</p>

<p>why did ucla reject my 3.77?? in the ucla statfinder people with 3.40s got in. do they have preference to so cal people or something?</p>

<p>im such a nervous wreck, thanks a lot UCLA.</p>

<p>i need advice, words of encouragement, comments, concerns and ANSWERS. I have been lurking this forum for 2 years now and todays rejection led me to finally sign up.</p>

<p>Again, please don’t think that because you didn’t get into UCLA, you won’t get into Cal! Cal and UCLA admission committees aren’t calling each other with each applicant asking who is going to get in where, that’s ridiculous! Since you have so much with Cal, I would feel pretty confident, don’t worry!</p>

<p>EDIT: Agree with mnp2005 !</p>

<p>You can call the admissions office tomorrow and straight up ask them “why wasn’t I accepted” and they will pull up your application and explain everything to you.</p>

<p>You want encouragement? My ass is currently looking at the prospect of going to UCR. </p>

<p>Put that in your pipe and smoke it.</p>

<p>are you serious? they will let me know straight up why i was rejected? im dying to know why.</p>

<p>honestly, Davis and SD are awesome schools. You should be happy and feel proud to be able to get into the UC education system. Some people cannot even accomplish that or even have the opportunity to. Cheer up!</p>

<p>Would they take time to tell me why I was rejected?</p>

<p>aww rejection. I know this feeling WAY too well, when I didn’t get into USC my senior year of high school I was upset for like two weeks. I think the first thing to remember is that the because of the number of applicants MANY people with above a 3.8 were rejected. I know that it doesn’t help but at least you know you are not alone. Secondly, Berk is a different school and has completely different people reviewing your app so you don’t know what they are looking for, i hope that you get in! but if not life will go on. The MOST important thing is to not ruin school for yourself because you are not at UCB or UCLA (trust me, i did this and now I’m at a jr. college). You have amazing stats and were accepted to some really good schools. If you are open to it, you will still have a fun and enriching undergraduate experience. and there is always grad school. keep your head up :)</p>

<p>@grimes everyone has different situations. I have sacrificed a lot by deciding to attend a C.C. I could have gone to UCI or something else but i wanted a second chance. I was rejected in hs from cal, if i get rejected again, this time with a stronger application. it will sting badly…</p>

<p>UCLA and all the other UCs will let you know why you were denied, Cal clearly states somewhere on their admissions page that they won’t.</p>

<p>@acceptme: Yeah, I think 99% of us here went to a C.C. and “sacrificed” a little something. Trust me kid, there are worse things in the world. You’ll end up going somewhere else and having a great time.</p>

<p>@Yunie, Cal will also tell you why…it’s a public school and they have to answer your questions. I know someone last year who didn’t get into cal and she called and asked them and they told her it was because she was missing one class.</p>

Really? That’s really weird. Whenever my cousin called last year (her application was pending, she was never really ‘denied’) they told her because of the volume of applicants they received, they weren’t able to specifically tell her. I guess she got a nice admission officer.</p>

<p>@akh thanks, i understand, but my parents would look down on me, especially since they criticized me for deciding to go to a cc when all the other kids when to davis, cal, ucla. i kept telling them ucla or cal will take me if i just put up with a cc. for me its like this CAL/UCLA OR BUST.</p>

<p>@shellbell i know that feeling too well from hs. now my hopes are too high for CAL. if i get rejected, i dont know what to do… especially my pops, he was disappointed that it took me 3 years at a cc when i planned to do it in 2 years. then the fact that i could have just went to UCI and would have been graduating next year…</p>

<p>what scares me is that when i call UCLA tomorrow and they tell me something is wrong with my app and then CAL rejects me for the same reason. I sure hope everything is right, my TAP counselor said everything was good.</p>

<p>^ wait a week before you start to panic- it’s not worth having gone all thru of this if you end up at cal in the end.</p>

<p>@acceptmecal14 It’s best to know what the problem is. If it’s just missing coursework then you can stay longer at your cc and complete the courses and apply again next year if you’re really determined to go to ucla/cal.</p>

<p>O I’m right with you there… I was supposed to graduate in 09 and I am just now transferring back to a 4 year school… I’m really sorry that you didn’t get in and I really hope you get into Cal… I know it feels like the end of the world but its not haha</p>

<p>@edbraga ur right, but i cannot help but to feel this way. i hope i am able to post in 9 days and be accepted to CAL, just thinking about the acceptance makes me happy. i will be at the pinnacle of my life. im so lame haha.</p>

<p>@mnp im 100% done, got all my units. the major i applied with has no pre-reqs on i believe that and Rhetoric are one of the few majors at CAL that have no pre-reqs. it didnt have any for UCLA as well.</p>

<p>You guys think this is bad…</p>

<p>My sister was Ms. California a few years back (my senior year of HS.) </p>

<p>I asked Ms. Teen CA (my sister knew her very well since they had to do all the events together) to my prom and got denizzled.</p>

<p>You haven’t had rejection until Ms. Teen CA says no!</p>