<p>I'm a prospective student for entrance during the fall of 2009 and Wellesley is no doubt one of my top choices. </p>
<p>I've literally gone to church my entire life (I'm a pastor's daughter) and want to continue that in college.</p>
<p>So, I was wondering, are there any churches near Wellesley?
Like Evangelical Christian?</p>
<p>Much thanks (:</p>
<p>Assuming not too much has changed, there are two Evangelical Christian/Non-denominational student groups on Campus: Real Life and Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship. Both organizations are affiliated with larger, national groups that have chapters on many campuses (Real Life is a subset of the Campus Crusade for Christ) and seem to meet in large and small groups on multiple weeknights. Neither’s website names a particular parish or congregation or any Sunday activities. I can’t tell you the finer points of difference between the two groups- to my untrained eyes they should be competing for the same members. </p>
<p>While there are plenty of churches in Wellesley, several of which are Protestant, none bill themselves as Evangelical (MA Christians are 2/3 Catholic with all of the other flavors of Christianity dividing up rest evenly enough that you aren’t likely to find one type of every church in every town). I know of someone who did a church search and joined IVCF, and got baptized, became Christian, etc, etc, so I am sure you can at least get a recommendation for a congregation in Boston. With the senate bus, you should be able be on time for nearly any church that had a start time at or after 9:30.</p>
<p>Hope this helps!</p>
<p>Massachusetts has a reputation as a very secular state, but that’s not true. I go to high school in a town 15 minutes away from Wellesley College, and it’s actually surprising how many people I know go who go to church. I never realized that they did…</p>
<p>Anyway, most of my Christian friends are at least Protestants, even if Boston is very Catholic. I don’t really know if that helps you at all, but WendyMouse pretty much handled this question and I’m just adding useless information.</p>
<p>The Intervarsity church directory shows you the ridiculous amount of choices you’ll have: [Local</a> Church Directory](<a href=“http://www.wellesley.edu/Activities/homepage/wivcf/churches.html]Local”>http://www.wellesley.edu/Activities/homepage/wivcf/churches.html)</p>
<p>I wish I had seen this question earlier. WendyMouse pretty much answered your question… but I just wanted to add my own 2cents. I can assure you that there are dozens of Christian groups on campus. IV still has a major presence on campus, but there are so many more. As a first-year first semester, I was OVERWHELMED with the choices of Christian groups and churches you can join. Most people go into Boston via Peter Pan bus for church. I go to Berkland Baptist Church via ABSK (Asian Baptist Student Koinonia – which I love DEEARLY). The staff members are kind enough to give us rides to and from Wellesley.</p>
<p>I’d argue with the fact that I answered the question, merely because I’m quoting research and not personal experience with any of the groups. </p>
<p>Anyway, I recently was told that the bus schedule got severely cut due to “the economy” and that church start-times would now be missed to the chagrin of the people who use it for that purpose, but there’s a non-Senate bus solution. Could someone comment on that?</p>
<p>I didn’t mean to imply that your response didn’t answer the question. I’m sorry if it came off that way! I’m just a writer who loves qualifiers. :)</p>
<p>My complaint was that the successive two posters seemed to think that my answer was good enough, when I think this question should have a several peoples’ two cents, from IVCF folks to people from other religions. Or (ahem) people who actually go to church when they are at college. As a heathen, I feel a little awkward reassuring people that religion still exists for students at Wellesley who want it. </p>
<p>Anyway, I’m glad to see your apology bumped this thread, as we seem to have an influx of procrastinating current students (I could retire…).</p>
<p>Wellesley has a good number of people involved with Christian organizations, especially the ones previously mentioned in this thread. Wellesley also has a Newman Catholic group, a Protestant group, Unitarian Universalist group, Buddhists, Hindi, etc. I even know some people who attend Quaker services in Boston. The town of Wellesley has a few churches mentioned above, but many people do attend services in Boston. If a religion is a priority to you, there are definitely others who you can attend services with. Many people make it work, while others choose to not be as actively religious in college. </p>
<p>WendyMouse, you have definitely been around for awhile… at least while I have been on CC (granted on another account since I have no idea what my high school info was). Thanks for all your previous help; I remember asking you questions on these forums when I was deciding where to go (granted that was only three years ago, so it’s not like you’ve been around forever