<p>In the Chem 6B textbook list, there is a required "book" called 13 - Button Remote Handheld Transmitter by H-iTT. Since it is not actually a book, will the UCSD Textbook Reservation Service still reserve one?</p>
<p>Whoa, was that just added. I don't remember seeing that when I was enrolling. I hope they reserve it.</p>
<p>Btw, what section are you in? Im in 569632.</p>
<p>I'm in 569633. 12 hours off. hehe</p>
<p>I heard that some teachers require it, and that some don't. I'm going to be safe and wait 'til class starts (though I bet I'd probably have to pay full price for it, instead of getting some discounts...)</p>
<p>you dont hav to buy it new. you can buy it used and register it, which enables you to use it for your class. I have one for sell if anyone is interested in it. I only used it for 1 quarter. A new one is about 35 bucks, I'll sell mine for 20 bucks, email me if you want it.</p>
<p>does johnson require one?</p>
<p>._. Some girl at UCSD livejournal was offering it to me for $5.</p>
<p>And yes, I have that question too; does Johnson require one?</p>
<p>i think she does cause it's on the booklist for her classes.</p>