Rensselaer vs Northeastern vs Manhattan vs Worcester?

<p>So I have a half scholarship from Rensselaer and I want to major in Computer and Electrical Engineering with business possibly on the side, is it better than the other schools listed?</p>

<p>Also, I applied to Cornell and didn't get in, from what I can tell, because I did not take Chemistry and it is a requirement. Is there any way to apply to Columbia now or later? I assumed I would not get in since I read Cornell is the easiest Ivy to get into and I'm regretting it a bit now. Does Rensselaer compare at all to Columbia's engineering program? I also wanted to take Japanese but Rensselaer doesn't offer it.</p>

<p>I have a full scholarship to Manhattan College but it is not nearly as good right?</p>

<p>I also read people in Rensselaer are that true or was that just a bad review? >.></p>

<p>Edit: I just read about <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Could I still do that? It sounds extremely that a better route? I have the grades so I'm sure I could get an application and an acceptance in if I spoke to the people working in Fordham. I wish I did more research -_-</p>

<p>anyone? I also got accepted into RiT but I do not think it is as good right?</p>

<p>I have never researched Manhattan, but you can get a good engineering education at RPI, WPI or Northeastern. However, they are three very different schools and you should consider what type of school you want. Northeastern is known for it’s co-op program and of course for being in Boston. WPI has multiple short terms and a heavy emphasis on projects and the humanities (you have senior projects both in your major and in a humanity). RPI is a typical polytechnic school - with less emphasis on the humanities and probably more research opportunities available than the other schools. Of course all ABET accredited engineering programs are actually very similar. From what I have read, all three schools have plenty of social opportunities available if you look for them, and of course they also have some kids who don’t look for them.</p>