Reporting AP Music Theory Subscores

<p>I earned a 4 on the AP Music Theory Exam--Aural subscore: 5, Non-aural subscore: 3. Since music is a large part of my application (I'm sending in compositions for my supplemental audition), I'd rather not draw attention to my 4. Should I just report the aural subscore, since my strong point as a musician/composer is my skill as a listener, rather than a as a reader (non-aural), or should I just report the score as it is(it might seem like I'm trying to hide something if I only report one subscore)?</p>

<p>bump. help please? D:</p>

<p>buuuuumppp D:</p>

<p>It seems to me that you’re over-thinking this issue. Unless your school reports AP scores, you can self report them. And self reporting is optional. Report the 4 (a fine AP grade), and if you choose which ever sub-score(s) you wish. It’s doubtful that admissions would drill down into the level of detail (i.e. sub-scores) that you’re expecting.</p>

<p>Alright, I’ll do just that. Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Both subscores show up on your official AP reports (and on your transcript if your school has transcripts similar to mine), so colleges will see them regardless of whether or not you self-report both subscores.</p>

<p>I have the EXACT same dilemma, 5 on aural 3 on non-aural. I don’t want to report my 4 on the overall test because it would be the only 4 among a slew of 5s, but I’m also wary about reporting a 5 on aural only to have them realize I received a 3 on non-aural. I am not sure if my high school transcript reports AP scores at all.</p>