<p>johnny: typically fiscally lib means to spend more, that wouldn't resolve the debt...fiscally conservative cuts spending and cuts taxes to match.</p>
<p>Oh Pardon,</p>
<p>I didn't mean more spending; by no means. Specifically, I was trying to imply, that like some liberals, I am in favor of moderate tax increases until the debt is resolved. However, I do favor low government spending. Forgive for that communication mishap. :)</p>
<p>see to me that's more fiscally conservative, although maybe not quite very conservative. Fiscally liberal is stereotypically "tax and spend"</p>
<p>It's still liberal. A fiscally conservative approach would be to keep taxes at their current rate and dramatically slash government spending.</p>
<p>I'm a reagan republican.</p>
<p>small government= really good.</p>