Required GPA to renew the NMF scholarship?

<p>Sorry if this has been asked before. I cannot find this info on the UA website. What GPA is a student required to maintain in order keep/renew the NMF scholarship ever year?</p>


<p>3.0 GPA …and it’s for the year.</p>

<p>Students should always balance their schedules.</p>

<p>Thanks. Is it only looked at the end of each school year? In other words, say a kid is a sophomore, and he dips to a 2.9 at the end of the fall semester. Is he allowed to bring the cumulative back over a 3.0 in the spring, before they go pulling his scholarship?</p>

<p>i would think most any nmf would be able to keep a 3.0.</p>

<p>There is a grace period before any student loses his scholarship.</p>

<p>My brilliant NMS who was double majoring in physics and Japanese had a professor die one semester and a high school friend die the next; both at critical times during the semester. She managed to stay above 3.0, but her grades did take a hit. NMS should,MW, be able to maintain a 3.0, but stuff happens.</p>

<p>*Is it only looked at the end of each school year? *</p>

<p>Yes, and it’s cumulative. </p>

<p>*i would think most any nmf would be able to keep a 3.0. *</p>

<p>In theory…yes…but you have some kids (STEM and pre-meds especially) that will load up that first semester and crash. </p>

<p>Balance is the key! And not taking too much the first semester.</p>