<p>Sorry if this is a fairly obvious or redundant question, but could someone give me a breakdown of the requirements necessary in order to apply to Columbia University? Thanks a lot for any help.</p>
<p>could you be more specific? do you mean the things that need to be sent in to form a complete app? or the things needed to stand a decent shot of actually getting accepted?</p>
<p>Both? Lol, I really have no idea what I’m talking about, sorry. Where I come from, not many people go to college. I will be a first generation student myself (assuming I go to college). Thanks for helping and any information you have would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Here are Columbia’s application requirements:</p>
<p>[First</a> Year Admission | Columbia University Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.studentaffairs.columbia.edu/admissions/applications/firstyear.php]First”>http://www.studentaffairs.columbia.edu/admissions/applications/firstyear.php)</p>
<p>This website gives lots of information about almost every college in the USA, but here is the page with Columbia’s mean standardized test scores:</p>
<p>[College</a> Search - Columbia University - Columbia - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>
<li>Columbia Application
2 Two Teacher Recommendations</li>
<li>One Counselor Recommendation</li>
<li>Tax forms + CSS Profile + FAFSA if you are applying for financial aid</li>
<li>Secondary School Report</li>
<li>(optional) Supplements</li>
<p>I think that’s about it as far as the requirements go…can anyone else add anything?</p>
<p>It says on the website I need two SAT II tests. I haven’t taken them yet, but luckily I’m just a junior. Do these cost money? If so, how much?</p>
<p>$20 Registration fee plus $9 per test
(if you are taking a language with listening exam, add $20 to your registration.)</p>
<p>You’ll find this site helpful: [::</a> College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>http://www.collegeboard.com/)</p>
<p>You guys have been really helpful. One final question and I’ll be on my way. I plan on majoring in premedicine, and just a minute ago I was looking at the different SAT II tests I could take. I noticed that there are two different Biology tests, Biology E and Biology M. My question is, would Columbia accept that as two different SAT Subject Tests? Would I be viewed as one-dimensional if I tried doing this? Also, should I wait until the end of my AP Biology class (end of Junior year) to take the SAT Subject Test in Biology? Thanks.</p>
<p>I would personally recommend taking either or (not both)…and, yes, definitely take the exam at the end of your AP Biology class (you’ll do so much better than if you take it now). Perhaps for your second SAT II, take a math or humanities one…or even a language.</p>
<p>Maybe you should be my mentor for getting into colleges. So, I should definitely probably take Biology M if I’m planning on majoring in medicine. I’m not so sure about a language because I won’t have taken AP Spanish (just Spanish IV). I would take another science, but neither Chem nor Physics AP’s will be done until senior year. Which Math is harder, I or II? I’m good at math, so I’ll probably take the harder one. Thanks.</p>
<p>You should take Math II, because the curve on Math II is so good that you can miss a lot more than some other tests and still get a good score.</p>
<p>Don’t college admission officers know this, though? If not, sign me up!</p>
<p>Well, Math II is slightly higher level math than Math I. Math II is mainly pre-calculus type stuff, with some geometry and a little bit of algebra. I never took Math I, but from what I read about it is mainly geometry and algebra. So, I don’t think it will reflect badly as long as you do well on it.</p>
<p>Sounds good to me. Are you applying, and what high school class are you?</p>
<p>I’m applying and I’m HS class of 2009.</p>
<p>About the SAT IIs, I would recommend taking what you are good at. Don’t take exams just because a college will view it as “harder” or having a “harsher curve.” Take it becasue you know you can earn a good score. (An 800 on Lit. looks so much better than a 500 on Math II.) Good luck!</p>
<p>“Don’t take exams just because a college will view it as “harder” or having a “harsher curve.””</p>
<p>Very true. But I’m very strong at math, so I figured why not take the hardest one. What other schools are you applying to?</p>
<p>^I PMed you.</p>
<p>if you know basic spanish I think you’d do fine on the test…
I do speak spanish, but it was really really really really easy. You could always look up sample questions and then decide based on that; that goes for all of the tests of course.</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s been easy so far. But I thought it would be a good idea to show colleges what kind of direction I wish to take.</p>
<p>I am also HS class of 09, but I’ve already applied ED.</p>