<p>I have been accepted to Penn State U Park campus. 6 sem gpa = 3.91 UW, 2180 SAT, lots and lots of ECs, etc.</p>
<p>So, knowing that, question - </p>
<p>I screwed up and may potentially receive one or two F marks on my first semester report card. I was wondering if anyone knew what Penn States policy on rescinding acceptances is.</p>
<p>They told me in an online chat that they won’t do anything if you get one F. Just don’t get multiple F’s.</p>
<p>Do they actually check everyone’s senior year grades even? They didn’t request a midyear transcript from me. Do they actually call the high schools to check up on every individual student that they accepted? Seems like a lot of work for a college that accepts so many students each year.</p>
<p>I am pretty sure it is standard protocol for end of the year transcripts to be sent to Colleges. If you blow off your senior year too much they would probably defer you to at least a branch.</p>
<p>Colleges do need to make sure you actually graduated and weren’t tossed for beating up a teacher or flunking a bunch of courses.</p>