Rescinded Admission?

<p>What happens to you if your admission is rescinded? Obviously if you got in ED you had to withdraw the rest of your applications, so do you jsut not go to school for a year? Does anyone know?</p>

I was thinkin' the same thing today.</p>

<p>You could always apply to somewhere with rolling admissions.</p>

<p>Not having the offer withdrawn is best, of course, but there are a couple of approaches a person can try. Colleges do not like to withdraw acceptances and may be willing to negotiate. First, ask if you can start freshman year on academic probation. Second, ask if you can start during Spring semester instead of Fall semester. Colleges usually have a few spaces open up after first semester.</p>

<p>Rule 1: Take full responsibilty.<br>
Rule 2: Show how you have corrected the problem.</p>