Rescinded Admission

Hi everyone, so my friend was accepted in the first round of decisions in January with a lot of us at my school this year but had a rough first semester due to difficult classes and senioritis (They know it’s not an excuse). Anyway, they finished with a D+ in an AP class along with multiple Cs and a 2.67 GPA for the semester and ended up getting a letter of concern. I’ve told her a lot of times that if she improves second semester she will be fine, especially if that D+ increases and she doesn’t have any other Ds of Fs, If anyone has any other information on this and her chances of being okay or getting admission revoked please let me know, anything helps! Thank you!

Sounds reasonable of UW to have the student show proof of being able to do the work. Her ability to turn things around will decide her future. She will need to work extra hard to make up for the lack of effort first semester. Only she can decide if it is worth giving up time for other activities to devote to keeping her grades at her pre senior year level.

Thank you for all of the students who may goof off as seniors- this is a good warning. One bad grade does not generate the letter but overall poor performance does. No excuses for classes being too hard- UW will be harder than any AP.

So if she could get her GPA this semester up to a 3.0 she would be probably fine then, correct? Or at least on academic probation to start the fall semester?

I’ve never heard of academic probation at the start of freshman year.

About 100 letters of concern are sent, about 10 students are rescinded each year.

I have a D in AP Music, it’s an elective I took and not a requirement for graduation. Additionally, my teacher is terrible and is likely getting fired, making her super crabby and unreasonable. I have A’s and B’s in all of my other classes. Should I be worried?

Word on the street is you probably need 2 or more D/F grades for rescission.