
Hey ya’ll I got into Bing on the 9th but senioritis has hit like a truck and I’m really scared I won’t get in.

AP Lit: 74
College Precalc: 82
Band: 99
PE: 100
PE: 100
AP Bio: 78
AP Gov: 81

For context I moved to a really competitive school this year so I was struggling before senioritis hit.
My GPA Unweighted when I applied was a 94.74

You shouldn’t worry unless your grades slip into the D/F range. I’d be worried about the Lit grade mostly, since English is a really important core. AP Bio is a little understandable, since its a pretty hard class, but its not great. Most schools won’t rescind for grades unless you’re close to failing though, or you get Cs for all classes.

I agree that you are unlikely to be rescinded with those grades. But I’d suggest you pull it together a bit and keep your grades up in the B range. Why on earth would you risk everything that you have worked so hard for all of these years?
And congrats on the acceptance!

Senioritis isn’t real, so find a way to get well soon. Good luck!

You’re fine.

I doubt it lol I looked at other threads and there was this one guy who got a 65 in lit and still made it in. Now I’m hoping this won’t encourage you to let your grades slip even more than what they have already but I wouldn’t be to worried about getting rescinded.