
<p>will purdue rescind a student if he/she has a D ?
i have a D in AP physics C and i have already completed my science requirements..<br>
i got admitted into the college of science
can anyone tell me if im going to get rescinded?</p>

<p>No one knows for sure if you will, but you do have to send a final transcript and a D certainly won’t look very good.</p>

<p>yeh no duh it looks bad
but what are the chances of me getting rescinded?</p>

<p>As smahanru said, it is impossible to tell for sure, but I have heard that Purdue will only rescind for complete failings of a class, also considering the level of the class, I think you should be okay.</p>

<p>can you please be more specific when you say complete failing ?
sorry … i might come off as mean but im just really scared about this.
I don’t want to get rescinded … my parents said that they were proud of me when i got accepted… they never said that to me before … ever…</p>

<p>By complete failing I mean E/F (which ever your school uses) over the total year, a final grade.</p>

<p>I think you should only worry if you have other low grades. One D isn’t great, but it isn’t horrible either (like if you had a C or two and a D on top of that, etc). Spring semester grades are important and they definitely reserve the right to rescind your admission, but honestly, they probably won’t if all your other grades are fine; especially if you already fulfilled the science requirement.</p>

<p>these are my grades : </p>

<p>Government : A
Physics AP : D
Statistics AP : C
C++ : C
Literature 12 : B </p>

<p>O and I’ve taken a total of 4 APs and 3 honors throughout highschool</p>

<p>( I’ve already completed my requirements with C
I got 100% on all the readiness tests I took that Purdue has given me …</p>

<p>Ehh, i don’t know. I can’t say anyone knows how Purdue decides if you will get rescinded or not but you definitely put yourself in a tough place. Overall, how well were your other semesters, gpa wise? Once you send them your final transcript, check back on the admission check page or whatever it’s called, because if they rescind it will change to “revoked admissions”. Other than that, you’re just going to have to wait and see.</p>

<p>I had around a 2.8 unweighted gpa…now its a 2.4 unweighted :/<br>
I took really hard classes. I’m pretty sure i got a 3 or 4 on the AP Mechanics test and a 5 on the Statistics test.
Well, I’m totally fine with being on academic probation as long as I can still attend the university.<br>
What do you guys think?
If you had to make an unbiased opinion ( well im an oos student, so ur losing the tuition of 3 instate students), what would you say? rescinded or let me go ?</p>

<p>I don’t think you will be rescind. Though if you happen to be rescind you can make reservations for Santa Barbara City College and transfer into a UC or somewhere.</p>

<p>Sorry for reviving this thread, but davidbruman123, did you ever heard back from PU? I’m sorta in the same position</p>

<p>Did either of you hear back from Purdue?
Im in the same boat too…</p>

<p>yeah same here i want to know if you did end up because i have f in precalc as of now</p>