<p>I got a 4 on an AP test that, for various reasons, I needed to get a 5 on. I was wondering if anyone had ever had their test rescored and gone from a 4 to a 5.</p>
<p>Chances of that are so incredibly thin. They only look at ur MC. It would br pushing it to even rescore a 3… With that said, I wouldn’t waste my money, BUT it is possible they made a mistake.</p>
<p>Did you feel confident about getting a 5 when you took the test?</p>
<p>I doubt your score will change unless you bubbled incorrectly.</p>
<p>I felt quite good about the test. I’m thinking that it could have been bad erasing, but I don’t know if that would make a difference.</p>
<p>There is a difference between “quite good” and almost certain. Quite good could have meant you were borderline 4/5 which there’s really not much you can do about. You got enough points to get a 4 which means your MC was probably scored correctly or else you would have had a more extreme low score such as a 1 or 2.</p>