<p>if i do research and get credit for it, does it go towards my GPA? if so, how?</p>
<p>URAP research gets you units, P/NP though. You can’t get graded for research since you are not assessed in any manner.</p>
<p>depend which one you sign up for.
Some are letter-graded, some are only pass/no pass.
If it’s letter-graded then it’s just like a class, so it counts toward your GPA. So yah, they are good GPA booster unless you are totally ■■■■■■■■ and ****ed up every experiments the researcher gives you.</p>
<p>no im not talking about URAP. i work for a lab in UCSF–a position i found myself–and am wondering if theres a way for me to get credits for it and get it letter-graded so it contributes to my GPA. any suggestions on how this can be done?</p>
<p>anyone? suggestions?</p>