Undergrad Research (Social)

<p>I talked to my favorite professor (who knows me pretty well), and basically got the approval to participate in his research projects next quarter. Ridiculously excited (don't know if I'll be an assistant or researcher), but I was wondering if it is required that I fill out some kind of paperwork to make this agreement legit for applications?</p>

<p>Only if you want SRP credit. Otherwise, you can just do the research and have it on your resume, but no school credit and nothing on your transcript. Check with the prof. Some require SRP.</p>

<p>What are the benefits of SRP credit?</p>

<p>Units + it shows up on the transcript. Requires 3 hours per unit of credit, graded P/NP (really easy stuff, but try to get the paperwork done ahead of time, it's on my.ucla.edu under contract courses).</p>