<p>@Mondut - Uhm no, just because you complete IGETC does NOT make you a resident for admissions purposes.</p>
<p>@willtohelp - Here you go,</p>
[Residency Information]
Establishing Legal Residence - Office Of The Registrar</p>
<p>How to Establish Residency for Tuition Purposes:</p>
<p>If you are an adult student (at least 18 years of age), you may establish residency for tuition purposes in California if you are a:</p>
<p>U.S. citizen
Permanent Resident, or
a student holding one of the following eligible visas: A, E, G, H1, H4, I, K, L, N, NATO, O1, O3 (dependent of O1), R, T, TPS, U, or V.
(Students who are not US Citizens or Permanent Residents should go to the What if I am not a US Citizen or Permanent Resident page for more information.)</p>
<p>Adult students cannot derive residence from a spouse or parents. For rules applying to minors, click here.</p>
<p>** In order to be classified as a resident for tuition purposes, you must fulfill ALL 3 requirements listed below: </p>
<p>Physical Presence: You must be physically present in California for more than one year (366 days) immediately prior to the residence determination date of the term for which classification as a resident is requested.</p>
<p>Intent: You must establish your intent to make California your home one year prior to the residence determination date of the term for which classification as a resident is requested.</p>
<p>If you are physically present in California solely for educational purposes, you will not be eligible for resident classification regardless of the length of your stay in California. The physical presence requirement (above) will be extended until you can demonstrate a concurrence of both physical presence and intent for one full year.</p>
<p>Financial Independence: If you will not reach age 24 by December 31 of the year in which classification as a resident is requested, and are not dependent upon a California resident parent (biological or legally adoptive only) for tuition purposes, you will be required to satisfy the University’s self-sufficiency requirement.</p>
<p>It should be noted that this requirement makes it extremely difficult for most undergraduates who do not have a parent domiciled in California to qualify for classification as a resident at a University of California campus. **</p>