Residential Honors Program

<p>I've recently become really interested in applying for USC's RHP. I've always wanted to get high school over with and start college in a rigorous environment; the RHP seems like a perfect fit. That said, I haven't been able to find much on the program from past alumni. I'd be really interested in hearing thoughts on the program from those who have been through it. Did you feel it was worth it? Was the program rigorous enough? Did you feel included in the general undergraduate student body? </p>

<p>I'd really appreciate some alumni perspective on the program. Thanks so much!</p>


<pre><code> There have been many previous threads on this subject. Try using the search option and you may find more opinions about the program.

In general it appears to be a great fit for students who no longer find high school courses to be challenging, those who are from rural schools with limited opportunities and those who are mature enough emotionally to leave home a year early.

Keep in mind admittance to this program is selective.