Restricted major- prerequisite issue

<p>I'm a transfer student from NoVA CC.</p>

<p>I applied for EE major for 2011 Fall but was accepted as GE for Summer 2.</p>

<p>After doing some research about VT, I found this:
Restricted</a> Majors | University Registrar | Virginia Tech</p>

<h2>For Electrical and Computer Engineering,</h2>

<p>1) Min 2.0 GPA.</p>

<p>2) Credit for all courses in freshman General Engineering program except ECE 1574</p>

<h2>3) Min C- in each of the following: ENGE 1024, ENGE 1104, MATH 1205-1206, MATH 1114, MATH 1224, PHYS 2305</h2>

<p>I'm good with all requirements except ENGE 1104 and MATH 1114 (Linear Algebra).</p>

<p>I even have Associate of Science degree in EE but I don't have credits for these Freshman year courses because ENGE 1104 is not provided at NOVA and MATH 1114 is not required for the A.S. degree.</p>

<p>I'm enrolled in ENGE 1104 course at VT for Summer 2 but the problem is, the only MATH 1114 course provided has schedule conflict with ENGE 1104.</p>

<p>ENGE 1104 and MATH 1114's lectures are given at roughly the same time so there's no way I can take both during Summer. </p>

<p>In this case, if I choose to take MATH 1114 for 2011 Fall, do I have to stay in General Engineering and wait for Spring semester to take any major Engineering courses?</p>

<p>I even have credits for some of Sophomore Engineering courses already..
I just wanted to know how strictly the "Restricted major requirements" are enforced when it come to choosing a major.</p>

<p>Get with your counselor and take the Math 1114 that conflicts with your 1104 class. </p>

<p>1114 doesn’t actually meet except for the first class of the year. It’s self taught at the Math Empo.</p>

<p>Thanks Chuy</p>

<p>but isn’t that for online couse only?
Math1114 for summer2 isn’t an online course.</p>

<p>Linear Algebra is always an online course unless you take Math 1114H, which is the Honors version of the course. It only meets like once a week anyway. If the timetable doesn’t say it is online, e-mail the professor teaching the course and your VT adviser. If it is online, they should be able to over-ride the system and let you take both.</p>

<p>@james2014 Thank you. Your answer is helpful</p>

<p>Hey, I’ll be taking MATH 1114 for Summer Session II!!!</p>

<p>I asked the instructor and checked HokieSPA, and both confirm that Linear Algebra will NOT be online.</p>

<p>I would try taking ENGE 1104 first before Linear Algebra because I know that ENGE 1104 will be full for the Fall Session. As a transfer student, I don’t know if you’d still be guaranteed a spot, so I’d try taking it now.</p>

<p>But if you are guaranteed a spot, then I’m sure you’d be fine taking either one.</p>

<p>I guess I really should talk to an adviser about this issue. I spent 2 full years in CC and this should get me a Junior standing according to what the transfer agreement says. But the reality is that I’m in GE which is for freshmen and I still need to complete 7 more Sophomore engineering courses to be a Junior in addition to ENGE1104 and MATH 1114. 2+2 transfer program is a lie.</p>

<p>I agree with you. I think they should alter the system a little bit so that it is exactly the same as if you were at Virginia Tech the entire time. It is really weird that you have an associates in E.E. but yet you haven’t had Engineering Design yet. Linear Algebra is a beginner Vector Geometry course, so you’ve apparently had that as well. I don’t know what that deal is. Maybe you could see if you could test out of Math 1114 since you have transfer credit for Math 1224 Vector Geometry. At least that wouldn’t put you a semester behind.</p>

<p>i have the exact same problem as you. I’m taking enge 1104 during the second summer term.
DUring the fall i am going to take
circuit analysis
diff eq
intro computer engineering
engineering professionalism
and linear algebra
the only problem is that i don’t know if linear algebra is a prerequisite for any of those courses. If it is i will need to take it during the summer term. but the summer class runs at the same time as my enge 1104 class</p>

<p>Tech gave me credit for vector geometry(math 1224) but i didn’t learn anything pertaining to that class. I would like to self study the material over the summer. What book would you guys recommend i get for that class?</p>

<p>The best book is what u r supposed to use for MATH1114 at Tech.
When did u register for fall semester?
I was DENIED to take Engineering Professionalism class simply because there are too many ppl in that class. The advisers said they force added too many ppl already so i cant get in …ew :(</p>

<p>It’s been years since I took Math 1114 but when I took it, we met the first week and then just watched the rest of the lecture videos online and took all the tests at the emporium. </p>

<p>But to answer your question, no we didn’t have an official “book” at least back in 2006 but there is like a paperback 120pg book of the online modules you could buy at the bookstore. It might have changed though. I usually just go into the bookstore and look up my courses and see what books they have under my courses and buy them.</p>