<p>When I first got my deicision on February 15th it said I was rejected. I turns out that was because I applied to Health Sciences which I didn't had the pre-reqs for, instead of Microbiology so I was immediately rejected. I resubmitted my application on this past Wednesday to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and I was Accepted for Summer B 2008. :)</p>
<p>Stats: Junior Transfer
African American Male (Kenyan)
AA degree by the end of spring
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences</p>
<p>P.K. Yonge Dual-Enrolled
Legacy (Dad went Business and Mother just graduated Pharmacy)
3.8UW GPA 4.4W GPA
Ranked 8/126 students
SFCC Dean's list 2006 & 2007
SAT 1090/1600 (I'm not a good tester, but my GPA shows I can do the work)</p>
<p>Core Classes:
College Algebra
College Pre-Calculus
College Calculus
College American History 1 & 2
College English 1,2, and Advanced Composition
College Asian Humanities
College Art Fundamentals
College Core Bio 1 w/ Lab
College Core Bio 2 w/ Lab
College General Chemistry 1 w/ Lab
National Honor Society
Lacrosse Team
<p>Community Service: 100+hrs
Shands AGH
Hoggetown Medieval Faire
Lector at Queen of Peace Catholic Church.</p>
<p>I'm apart of the Gator Nation now! :D</p>