Resume Allowed?

<p>Does Penn allow you to send a detailed resume of your activities? Will they read it or will they just throw it out?</p>


<p>That’s what the “Additional Information” section is for on CommonApp.</p>

<p>Just don’t send anything that will be a waste of time. If they’ve already read it/something like it, attaching another page isn’t going to do you any good.</p>

<p>Yeah. I sent in an activity list not a “resume” in the Additional Info section. Basically I took the idea from Michelle Hernandez in her “Acing the Common App” book (it was the only useful piece of info i used)</p>

<p>And yeah dont send in too much extra stuff I guess. (though I did send in 2 supp rec which prolly annoyed the adcoms haha)</p>

<p>What SoFarSoGood said. </p>

<p>I used my additional info to list my other awards and summer programs cuz the commonapp only gives you like 5 spaces for awards. I tried not to repeat myself though, cuz I know those adcoms have bazillions of apps to read and I didn’t want to **** them off :)</p>

<p>Also, I think most things people do are kinda self evident eg. captain of ping pong team, so don’t make it detailed unless its a super unusual activity and you haven’t explained it in your essay or any of your short answers. AKA don’t explain what math camp counselor entails…its obvious.</p>