<p>I'm applying Engineering major to colleges. I got 760 on Math II without studying..so I kind of regret it not taking it again cuz I know I can get 800. The late registration ends today, so should I register for Dec.'s test and retake math II?? btw, I'm a girl if that matters at all.</p>
<p>Don’t bother. 760 is more than good enough. Concentrate on other things</p>
<p>why would being a girl matter?</p>
<p>um… I’m not a ■■■■■ fyi </p>
<p>Being a girl might matter because as my admission officer said, they like women engineers. Therefore, they might be a bit lenient on me.</p>
<p>Most engineering colleges treat women as underrepresented minorities since there are so few in engineering, so that will DEFINITELY be an advantage. That said, even if you were a male, there is no need to retake that SAT II. I don’t know where you are applying, but that 760 will be more than enough for the majority of places. Just make sure you keep your GPA up in high school and write a good essay.</p>
<p>Well, I am applying this year, so I have 45min left to decide whether I want to take the Math Sat II in Dec (the last time I can take it). I applied to Penn’s Engineering ED. But, in case I dont’ get in, I’m also applying to Cornell’s Engineering along with Michigan’s, and several other schools. I know that Cornell’s engineering is hard to get into, so I’m afraid that 760 might hurt my chance.</p>
<p>No, how could a 760 HURT your chances? A 760 is a great score! I got a 740 and I was satisfied enough with it. Getting a 780 or 770 over a 760 isn’t really worth all the studying and stuff you have to go through in my opinion. Of course, the final decision is up to you. If you’re absolutely 100% sure certain you can do better and want to do that extra studying, then by all means it’s your choice.</p>
<p>Take Math I and get an 800.</p>