Retake mediocre SAT with 34 ACT?

<p>I took the ACT with writing in February and got a 34, but my SAT score is in and it's pretty frustrating.</p>

<p>760 CR
760 M
640 W</p>

<p>Also confusing because my greatest ability in school has always, always been writing.</p>

<p>So, my ACT score is up above the 99th percentile, but my SAT score shows me as being a weak writer, and I do intend to apply to some prestigious colleges. Should I try to not submit my SAT at all (can I use ACT in lieu of SAT for almost anyone?) or should I retake it and try to break 2200?</p>

<p>Also, is it true I won't need SAT IIs if I submit ACT instead?</p>

<p>definitely retake the SATI. it's really easy to get over 700 in writing; with your ACT score, i would expect you to get an 800 in writing. if you need a review book, get McGraw Hill writing workbook; you should then get an 800 on writing</p>

<p>Be careful: many schools require ACT with writing and SAT II scores. MIT and CIT, for example, require 2 SAT II scores if you submit your ACT score.</p>

<p>i personally don't think you need to take the SAT. your ACT score is awesome. maybe take a couple subject tests just to be safe because there are some schools that require ACT AND SUBJECT tests.</p>

<p>you dont need to retake SAT you can send it.</p>

<p>universities currently don't use the writing section, so your 1520/1600 is great.</p>

<p>Does Stanford and do the Ivy schools require ACT and subject tests? Not that I'm only applying to those schools, but the other schools I'm interested in definitely don't.</p>

<p>1520 M/Cr is not weak. It's actually better than a 34.</p>