Submitting ACT without SAT IIs

<p>A lot of schools let you do this, which is nice, since I don't really want to take the SAT IIs again. But does an ACT have to be almost perfect to stand alone like that? I'm thinking about retaking my first-try 33 but only if it's entirely necessary. What do you think?</p>

<p>Whats your essay score?</p>

<li>which i could most likely improve.</li>

<p>I honestly think you are just fine. I read about someone in the stanford thread who got in by just submitting a 34…and 33 is really not any less. There are multiple people who get into top schools with an act score lower than you without submitting sat subject tests too.</p>

<p>Yea…I totally agree with hardworker…your ACT is fine…many top colleges don’t require SAT Subject tests with ACT. If 33 is your first shot, I recommend you to take it once more.</p>

<p>It really depends what colleges you are applying to.</p>

<p>If you are applying to Harvard, then you may want to consider retaking if everything else on your app is simply perfect. Really, any other situation would probably result in not retaking.</p>

<p>Should i take ACT w/ writing if I AM taking subject tests?</p>

<p>Do colleges like HYPS require the ACT+ for admissions or is the regular ACT sufficient?</p>

<p>Yes, always take your ACT with writing, it’s not that expensive.</p>

<p>You should take ACT with writing although you’re taking SAT subject tests. It costs $12 more.</p>

<p>Oh, gosh. I hate when there is a thread within another thread. It makes everything so confusing.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’d say take the ACT with writing for sure for the big colleges.</p>



<p>well not harvard but maybe like amherst, pomona, weslyan, brown (all basically reaches for me). the point is that a high ACT would be one of the better parts of my app, just because my gpa is a little skimpish and ECs aren’t too glittery. i guess i’m just wondering if anyones gotten into a school like this with just ACT, ya dig?</p>

<p>yes, duke and chicago (a friend who was a senior last year).
i’m just sending in my 34 to stanford. but the kid who got into stanford, was he like a nationally recognized tennis player/cancer researcher/ small business owner/something extraordinary?</p>

<p>I only submitted my 33 ACT (no SAT/SAT 2) and was accepted at Duke. If schools only require an ACT then it is perfectly fine to send in an ACT only. I guess SAT Sub Tests could compliment a low GPA and shaky ECs though.</p>