retake SAT?

<p>current junior with SAT (CR:710, M:760, W:800). In order to get into Ivies, can anyone provide sugestions that should focus on retaking SAT, or spend time on competitions before May? don't have any national awards yet, attend several clubs, but not been any club president, and plan to take SAT-II Chem and Biology in June. Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>That score will not keep you out of any school. Focus on other things.</p>

<p>@Erin’s Dad, thank you for the reply. I am not sure what did you mean “other things” that can be focused before June (during school days). My D is in a small high school that has only “academic” activities, no sports. so I think only competitions (sciences, TSA, etc) can help the Ivy admission. She has been a camp counselor for two years in summer. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.</p>

<p>No need to retake, that score is excellent.
And contrary to popular belief you don’t need “national awards” to get into ivys. Do you think the tens of thousands of students that get into very competive colleges all have national awards?
She should just focus on grades, extracurriculars that she enjoys, and having fun its junior year. Not everything in life is about getting into college.</p>

<p>I agree with Erin’s Dad. While there will be applicants with higher test scores, a 2270 is still very good, and I don’t think increasing the scores is worth the effort. Unless you think those scores don’t reflect your daughter’s potential and think she could do substantially better (50 points or more I’d say), then she should focus on other things like her SAT IIs or whatever competitions you’re looking at. Personally, I would focus on subject tests, but I don’t know much about the competitions like TSA you mentioned above. Based on personal experience, it’s totally possible to get accepted into Ivies without national recognition. Best of luck!</p>

<p>@michelle, @yoskis, thank you very much for the suggestions. I have heard many friends’ children who admitted into Ivies were captains or (and) national award winners, in addition to SAT 2300+, GPA 4.0+ and many APs. Some of them were even got rejected. I know it is really hard to figure out the metrics. So, I am just wondering what is the best strategy for my daughter.</p>

<p>Harvard could fill its entire class with 4.0 uw students. But does it, no. The ivys want diversity. That is why some students with 2400s get in some with 2200s,2000s.</p>

<p>How many times has she taken the SAT? Something to consider is that many schools/scholarship programs only consider the CR+M SAT score, and 1470/1600 is not as hot as the 2270.</p>

<p>@unicameral2013, she has taken only one time. I know 1470/1600 is not very impressive. That is why I am wondering that should I encourage her to spend most of time on CR and retake SAT in March or May. But this also means that she might not have time to focus on competitions. Struggling…</p>