<p>So I had never gotten a grade lower than a B until this past quarter in which I received an F in one of my classes at UCD
I really don’t want to retake the class at UCD because I’ve heard pretty bad reviews of the professors in the subject and don’t want to risk failing it again. Plus, I might be leaving UCD to go to CC to then transfer to another school that has the program that I am currently interested in.</p>
<p>So I was wondering, does anyone know if I can retake the class I failed at a community college or possibly a UC Extension so that my new grade will factor into my GPA instead of my old one?</p>
<p>During the regular school year, UCD doesn’t allow students to take courses at another institution, even a CC, without permission from the dean of their respective college. During summer, though, they don’t care if you retake classes at a CC or through a UC Extension.</p>
<p>A grade earned at another institution does not get figured into your UC Davis GPA, but you or others can use that grade to suit. As a simplified example, let’s say you earn 60 semester hours at a CC with perfect scores, grades of A. Your CC GPA is a 4.0 . You transfer to Davis to complete your degree with 90 quarter units of B work. Your UC Davis GPA is 3.0 . </p>
<p>Here’s the important part. Your overall college GPA is 3.5 , but there is no official place where it says that your college GPA is 3.5. When you apply for a job, or grad school, or professional school, you may certainly put on your application, resume, or cv that your college GPA is 3.5 </p>
<p>There may be a second part of your question, between the lines. When you get a D or an F at Davis (and most schools), you may retake the same exact course at the same school (Davis). If you then do better, although your original F stays on your transcript, the new grade also appears on your transcript and replaces the old grade in the computation of your Davis GPA. Also, an appropriate notation may appear next to both grades to show what has been done.</p>