Retaking B- Class...

<p>I'm an Econ major, just wrapped up fall of my junior year. In Econ, when they calculate your major GPA, they use Econ 100A and Econ 100B, Econometrics, and your 5 electives. I currently have a 3.2 major GPA, based on a B- (100B), B (100A), B+(UGBA 103), and A+ (Econ 161); I have 3 electives and Econometrics left. Without that B- and something higher, that could go significantly higher. Of course, I would retake the class for the sole purpose of raising my GPA, but when I'm applying to a job, they'd have to look close at my transcript to see that. I'm considering retaking it next year depending on how I do in my 2 econ classes next semester (I really want to shoot for honors, but I'm gonna have to work my ass off with Econometrics on deck). I'm thinking of sticking around for an extra semester or two, so I think I'll have time...don't think the job market is good right now for people with a 3.2 in Major and Cumulative GPAs...</p>

<p>Any advice? Thanks</p>

<p>I’m unfamiliar with the policy of retaking classes. They let your new grade replace the old one?</p>

<p>You cannot replace a passing grade. You might not even be able to take the class in which you received a passing grade a second time. Unfortunately, you’d need to have gotten less than a C- in order for the grade to be replaced in your GPA. If you really think you need to retake it, check up on the policy for taking a class twice (since that’s truly what you’d be doing) and consider, since the points WILL NOT be replaced, whether it’s not better to just take more classes and do better in them.</p>

<p>Well, that settles that. I thought it would be replaced…nevermind then.</p>