<p>I wanted to know if I should take first year Biology over again. I have the AP credit to fulfill the requirement but I feel like I didn't really know the material when I actually went into the test. After the test I felt even worse about my Biology knowledge (I felt like I had scored a 2 if I was lucky). So the reason why I would take the class again is becuase I am pre-med and I would need to know this material pretty well for the MCAT. Reasons why I wouldn't want to take the class again is because: I will have more room in my schedule for a different class and I figured that I can study my butt off for the Biology parts of the MCAT (which I would do anyway). Also, I was wondering, does the AP Bio credit give you the lab credit as well? Can I take just the Bio lab? After writing this post I feel like i need to take the class again, but you guys give me your opinion.</p>
<p>Yes, you can take the bio lab only, which is what I did because I had credit from AP. The bio lab is BIOS 211.</p>
<p>Talk to your advisor about the situation - my advice would be to just take the lab and then study for the MCAT with MCAT-specific books and/or classes.</p>
<p>Jenskate, have you returned to the Rice Boards?</p>
<p>no. but i couldn't resist. a brief relapse!</p>
<p>I've been reading them all along though, and everyone is always free to PM me - I've been responding to those.</p>