Retracting Admission...

<p>I've heard that after you get accepted and choose a school, it can retract admission (I think that's what it's called) if you let your grades slip...and I was just wondering, how much would your grades have to fall for such a serious measure? Like going from All A's to all B's, or getting one C...what would it take? I'm talking about the top schools here...</p>

<p>keep it above a 3.0 GPA</p>

<p>I can see why this would be asked it a college forum, but being in high school are you not behooved to keep your grade up anyway? The GPA counts here, more so than the GPA would count your last semester in high school. </p>

<p>If you are asking this out of curiosity here I what I would think, I am not sure about this. Prep schools do not have the time to go looking through peoples mid term grades etc. If they see a significant fall in GPA (which they will not because they do NOT ask for midterm grades… At least not Exeter, Andover, or Milton) they may ask you why but I HIGHLY doubt they would retract an admission.</p>

<p>Plus aren’t kids who apply to these schools totally intrinsically motivated, the same does not hold true for all college applicants so that may be why they ask for the grades.</p>

<p>You LIKE succeeding at your current school, don’t you? I doubt the majority of people here have been getting good grades for the past 2 years or so just to apply to a school this year… most of us do it because we enjoy doing the best we can. Regardless of whether or not you get accepted, you’ll continue to do just as well as you’ve always done, right? Just continue on, even if you get a rejection in the mail (which I certainly hope you won’t!).</p>

<p>Agree with you SO much. If you do not like doing well at current school why bother to prep? I think OP was referring to a hypothetical situation, though.</p>

<p>There not going to retract your admission unless you get suspended or expelled for something serious.</p>

<p>That sounds kind of fun. Getting expelled from whatever bad school we come from (bad in the sense that it is worse than where we are applying) and then telling them “I honestly don’t give a !@#$… Expel me all you want, I’m going here”. </p>

<p>I would never do that but it does sound kind of fun.</p>

<p>Schools can absolutely rescind their offer of admission if your grades slip. They all ask for a copy of your final transcript in June to check to see if you’ve kept your grades up since the acceptance letters went out.</p>

<p>Hmm… Is this uniform among all schools, or a particular conference of schools? I asked one of my interviewers if I needed to send it in, so it can be arranged. He/she told me that we usually do not need it unless we notice a significant slip.</p>

<p>I let it be, but I was not sure exactly what that meant. Do they keep in touch with teachers and counselors? Do they try doing background checks?</p>

<p>Yeah, do Exeter and Andover ask for grades in June? I’m repeating, does that make a difference? Will they still ask for them? I’m not saying I’m gonna slack off, I’m gonna continue to maintain my GPA, I’m just curious.</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, are people checking CC during school and what not? I’m off today (long weekend) but when I have snow days, conference days, sick days, ect… the threads are always being responded to…</p>

<p>Starz27… I wish I could check CC during school, but they blacklisted it. I still check it on iPhone but 3G can be slow sometimes.</p>

<p>I wonder what that means for the people who had a 4.0 gpa, with all 90’s. If their second semester grades dropped down to an 89, which could put their final gpa anywhere from a 3.0-4.0, would an admissions officer rescind their offer?</p>

<p>Well… If you get a 3.0 (lowest you can get with high 80s, unweighted) and they somehow find out I doubt it will get your offer taken away. I would say the worst that can happen is you get a call from someone from the committee, likely your interviewer, and tell you to shape up.</p>

<p>All schools ask for final transcripts in June and while they certainly will allow for a degree of “slacking” off, they will not be happy if someone fails a course or pulls all C’s. Serious discipline issues are reported to schools as well. It does not matter whether you are repeating or not - you are expected to finish the year strong.</p>

<p>Yes, you have to send in a final transcript for most schools. If your average went from (just an example/guess) 96 to 86, I doubt it would matter. But, it might be more serious if your average went from that 96 down to a 75, with a few D’s in there. But, I wouldn’t worry too much. If you just continue to keep up the good work that you have been doing, you will all be fine. :)</p>

<p>if you are a straight A+ student, will an A- be considered a significant “slip”?</p>

<p>no (that stupid (10 char))</p>

<p>how much does your grade have to fall to be considered a slip, though?
How about from straight A+'s to A-'s, A’s, and maybe B+'s?</p>

<p>And which schools does this apply to? So if I get into Exeter/Andover, they’ll send me a letter during summer asking for my grades? And if they really slipped alot I’d get kicked out? (providing that I get in…)</p>

<p>I talked to my counselor, and he said they would only retract if there was a significant slip, like all A’s to B’s and C’s. I’m guessing this applies to all schools. Hopefully that’s the case! Just do your best and work hard and you’ll probably be fine. :)</p>