Reverse Chance-ing. No, seriously.

<p>In order to gain a better idea of what kind of people can get into what kind of schools, I've been looking through random "What Are My Chances?" threads, but so far I've only been able to gain a slim understanding of colleges' expectations in terms of ECs, hooks, etc..
So, I'd really, really, really appreciate if you guys could reverse chance. No kidding. I don't know if this would work, but...</p>

<p>*A rising senior (this person is NOT me) has a 3.79 GPA UW and a 4.10 GPA W, 2300 SAT. Very rigorous courseload, 4s and 5s on all APs. Upper 20%- Goes to large public school that doesn't rank, but gives percentages. *</p>

<p>*A rising senior (again, this person is NOT me) has a 4.00 GPA UW and a 4.35 GPA W, 2400 SAT. Very rigorous courseload, 4s and 5s on all APs. Upper 5%- Goes to large public school that doesn't rank, but gives percentages. *</p>

<p>Other than that, it's up to you. What I'd like (love) you to do is create a few hypothetical profiles that would (I'm throwing out a wide range of colleges here) =</p>

USC-safety/low match
UCLA-low match (let's assume this person's UC GPA is better.)
UCSD-low match/match
University of Washington-match? I don't know.
Washington University in St. Louis- high match/reach
NYU-match? I don't know
University of Chicago- high match (right?)
Caltech-high reach
Stanford-very high reach
Harvard- ?</p>

<p>Okay, so basically I'm trying to look for the caliber of ECs necessary for the above schools (and any others would be greatly appreciated.) I know it's a lot, and I know it's vague, but I'd really appreciate the insight.</p>

<p>And obviously, none of that "Olympic Athlete" etc. things. Plausible things, please.</p>

<p>The more diverse the profiles, the better.</p>


<p>For the second one, if we're trying to create a person that would: love music, want to pursue psychology, have UCLA as a low match/safety UCB as match, etc.</p>

<p>Numbers: "" stats. 770+ on all SAT IIs. 34 ACT. </p>

-Orchestra Concert Master
-Involved in several Orchestras outside of school.
-Won multiple prestigious awards in violin and piano.</p>

-Volunteered at hospital, created music program enabling volunteers to play music for patients as therapy/consolation. Grew to a large organization, fundraised thousands of dollars, etc.</p>

<p>ETC. (Whatever else would be needed.)</p>

<p>Okay, thanks. I know it's a lot. Just any input.</p>

<p>Bump (10char)</p>

<p>You pretty much pinned the level of involvement needed with the volunteer work, though it can be in any field.</p>

<p>Other ECs:
*psych internship possibly
* school musical</p>

<p>A: For person A (interested in anything but thinking to pursue, say, premed to be similar):
* research
*science team - some award (not necessarily USAMO/USABO...)
*varsity sport
*student govt/model UN
*spread cultural awareness through a project (say person is Korean)</p>

<p>Also, the person should have taken most rigorous course work...including AP sciences.</p>

<p>Person A will show diverse interests but can be good at them.</p>

<p>B: Another student may want to pursue, say, law/politics and be focused on that only:
*volunteer at law firm
*student body President
*debate club/model UN- officer
*work on Obama/McCain campaign in town
Also took APs in the humanities</p>

<p>C: Say a person only wants to pursue science/med (somewhat like person A)
* research
* science club/olympiad/awards (again doesn't have to be national/international but something significant)
* Environmental club
* tutor in science</p>

<p>APs in sciences and took extra science credits</p>

<p>Honestly, on CC there are some exceptional students. However, you don't find thousands of students like that and Harvard and Stanford take other students as well (they have to or they won't fill the class). Really, as long as you did something you like you have a shot. The rigor of courses though is really most important.</p>

<p>also, coming back to person A, I am not sure what that means....I just sorta through that in there because someone could be very well-rounded. Would that person get in if they're good at all of them? I assumed so, but I'd like to know if that's true...</p>

<p>I've actually been thinking about that- if someone just kicks butt pretty hard on a lot of things, how does that compare to someone who kicks butt really hard on a few things?</p>

<p>Any more hypothetical profiles?</p>


Probably really hard to create hypothetical profiles for any kind of college in a reasonable amount of time.
Any general ideas, then?</p>

<p>It sounds to me like you want your fellow CCers to figure out which extracurriculars you would like to do...</p>