Review Admit - Please help!

Hi! I applied to Texas A&M before the priority deadline, and I’ve been wondering what that means. Does that mean I’ll be hearing back earlier? I applied as an English major, and I’d like to know my chances of getting in (I know this question is asked a lot, but if you could let me know what you think I’d be extremely thankful!
About Me:
White/Latina Female (Dad is American, Mom is Brazilian)
Rank: 38/126
My school is extremely competitive and we have about six students competing for #1. I’m at the very top of the second quarter (literally #1 of the second quarter)
SAT: 1200 (R/W: 650, Math: 550)
I retook the SAT last month and I have’t gotten my new score back. But I don’t think it will improve much.
ACT: 26
I can’t access my scores right now for some reason, but I have a very high reading and writing score, a low math score, and a somewhat high science score. Almost perfect essay score.
GPA: 5.667 out of 6, which is roughly a 3.4 on a 4 point scale. A’s and B’s, but mostly B’s.
Major: English, getting a teacher’s certification, hoping to go to Veterinary School after completing my undergrad
Essays: Did all 3 essays (A,B, and C)
They were very well written, all exactly the word limit, and multiple English teachers said they were very, very good college essays. They made my parents cry, too. So I’m hoping that’s a good sign.
Leadership: I don’t have much leadership, but I am involved in many clubs. I am the President of Rho Kappa National Honor Society, which is a Social Studies Honor Society.
Volunteering: I have TONS of volunteering hours, including CAP, Summer Camps, and multiple English-related volunteering hours.
Classes: I’m taking full IB. All of my classes from Junior year and senior year have been International Baccalaureate. I have taken very few AP courses as well.
Extra Curricular: I’ve been on a competitive club swim team for the past ten years. I’m in Advanced Choir as well. I enjoy photography, painting, and writing.
I’ve also published a book at 13, which I included in my resume, so I’m hoping that will help me get into the College of Liberal Arts at TAMU.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this and give me feedback!

Hello! Few Questions

When did you apply?
When does your school send new class rankings? Before December 8th?
Have you considered applying to Prarieview A&M also?

I would suggest you apply to one of A&M’s PSA schools (Prareiview A&M) as a back up plan. With your stats, you would get the President Award (9.2k) or Regents (10k) and could then Transfer to Texas A&M after a tuition free year at prareiview!

I applied on October 14, and I’m not sure when my school sends new rankings. I don’t really want to go to Prarieview A&M, and since I’m an auto-admit to UH I’d probably go there if I don’t get into TAMU. But thank you for letting me know about the Awards, I didn’t know about that! Do you think my chances of getting into TAMU are low?

I think you have a good shot. Your SAT is below average for TAMU but ACT is average. Rank is also a bit low but I think having high scores in the English subsections would definitely help you a lot. Sounds like you have some wonderful essays as well along with being a published author which sounds impressive to me for an English major. All in all I think you have a good shot at getting in because of your essays and being published especially since you applied early but I’m only a junior myself and all I know about admissions is from what I’ve read on this site so take it as you will. Good luck!

Thank you so much! I really hope you’re right. I’ll make sure to let you know if I get in! :slight_smile:

@lessonwitch2 What do you think are the chances of me getting in? You suggested Prarieview so I’m not sure.

@bellakess Since you applied Mid October I think you have a decent chance. Your test scores are good so its all a matter of luck now to see if you got admitted. If not full admission, definitely a pathway. And UoHouston is a good school especially with your stats.

Honestly, I’m not sure what your chances are…being a review admit is tough because you’re never guaranteed anything. However I just wanted to point out that when you applied has no effect on when/whether you get accepted. Applying early only matters if you’re an auto admit or an academic admit. I applied in August (review) and am still waiting. I spoke with someone at the admissions office and she said that it doesn’t matter if review admits apply Aug 1st or Dec 1st, as they have the exact same chances of getting in. So don’t worry about that aspect of it