Review applicants, when should we hear back?

I didn’t know review applicants were encouraged to send letters of recommendations. will not sending any affect my chances of admission?

@Sarahwilburn - Oh dear, I didn’t know that either!

Letters of rec can only help you, but they’ve stated in the past that if you don’t send one it is not counted against you. There is also a limit ( either one or two) so it isn’t a huge deal and it is not something that everyone does.


Has anyone heard back about engineering review yet?? It seems like this is taking forever. My son applied back in August too. His school is so competitive that he didn’t get the automatic admit but we were confident that he would be accepted based on the rest of his records, (ACT 33 one time-one sitting, President, honor roll, 10 APs-AP scholar, state level awards, 4 years band, tons of volunteering, and outside job etc…). It is ironic because in the mean time, he was getting solicited from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Georgia Tech, U of Chicago, etc…(I think his ACT score triggered it???). He was accepted in December to Texas A&M but now his major is full. So… the wait continues to hear if he got his major. The problem is that he is coming in with 10 APs and pretty much needs to start his major right away as he doesn’t have many electives left to take. We have a tough decision to make as he was offered many other scholarships at out-of-state schools in his major, one of which is a full scholarship plus an additional one on top of that. He would prefer A&M in his home state though! If he doesn’t get the major this is going to be a tough decision. Do we risk him going into a different major in the hopes that he gets in or that somebody else drops out and a spot opens?
You know, that automatic admit doesn’t really seem fair as it really depends where you are from and where you went school. Your automatic acceptance is actually based on the performance of the kids you go to school with…actually… not their performance but if they have challenged themselves with AP’s, are involved in extracurriculars all four years (regular credit), and how well they can manipulate their GPA’s-ergo, class rank. There are many kids ranked higher with not nearly the same stats who received automatic admission. Sad. I understand that the college is so large that they have to just use straight facts, but I feel that the class rank is somewhat irrelevant in the big picture.

Sorry about the soap box. Just getting a little frustrated with the wait while majors fill up as well as housing! :slight_smile:

@Bandmom123‌ No the admissions officer on the Aggie Forum said they were supposed to release on Jan.15th but got backed up. So they will begin releasing them this week. From what I understand A&M only releases decisions on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. So look on those days.

@Bandmom123‌ And if he doesn’t get into COE, I recommend going into Physics if that is a feasible option. I am in the same boat as your son. I was accepted in December, but as non-Auto because our school is ranked high and is so competitive! 4.4 GPA, 2090 SAT, 790 Math level 2, AP Scholar, and others…

BandMom123 said: “I understand that the college is so large that they have to just use straight facts, but I feel that the class rank is somewhat irrelevant in the big picture.”

@BandMom123, don’t forget that it’s not the university’s decision to use “straight facts”. It was our legislature. Texas public universities have lobbied against the “top 10%” legislation.

Are we still “on” for review applicants (COE) hearing back by end of day today? I know it was supposed to be last week and that it was pushed to this Tues/Thurs. We’re still “under review” as of this AM…Thanks!

@SgtFriar2015‌ I am still waiting as well. They have sent out many acceptances, and I believe they will be sending several more out soon. The Blinn engineering option will be offered too. I called admissions today, and they are still making decision. Best of luck!

@midwestaggie‌ - thank you for the update. I feel almost “OCD” with constantly checking. It’s been so long since he applied and we just want to know at this point. Sigh…I may just need to go off the grid for a couple of days and I bet it will be updated during that time ;-).

Funny…I just called to see if I could plead for some type of info and was on hold for 15 mins. I had to bail on the call due to work…They must be inundated.

@SgtFriar2015‌ May I ask what department or number you called? I called admissions and talked with an admissions counselor. I believe they were just college students. I am feeling a bit OCD as well. I don’t think a large amount of people are being accepted, but I still have hope!

@midwestaggie‌ - I called 979-845-1060 and routed to an admissions counselor. Stuck in the loop for 15 mins. I did not have high hopes of any new info but would have liked to have made a “college effort”. I was under the impression that this week would be a big update/ release of decisions. Frustrated but hopeful.

@SgtFriar2015‌ I called them too. I did just find out (talked to someone from the university) that decisions will be made possibly until mid February. Just thought I would share that info.

@midwestaggie - sigh…mid-Feb? They’re killing me with this drawn-out process. My son applied to a handful of schools and all but A&M accepted him months ago (some are fairly large). A&M is his goal and I guess I just need to “chill” a little longer…

This week??

An admissions officer told me decisions will hopefully be made this week now.

When my daughter applied a couple of years ago she did not hear back until the end of March. By then she had selected another school. Hopefully they get the decisions out sooner now.

@midwestaggie - Did they mean all general admissions would be final this week? Or COE?

The decisions for all review candidates are to be finished by end of Feb. is the current info. The engineering review decisions are projected this week. Unless your student got into the Engineering review (already notified granted admission to TAMU, waiting on COE major) then you’re in the review group that is rolling out decisions until the end of Feb. no matter what major they listed. Hope that helps - I know the wording causes lots of confusion. Also for those who thought the Jan 15 date was an acceptance decision date - last year that was the date to be admitted/accepted to the Engineering Review pool- guessing that was the same this year. Then, they picked out of that pool and notified applicants. It was a hard date last year for the cutoff for consideration for those last few spots. It would be great if they called it something else other than Engineering Review, maybe Last Look… a little humor :wink: