Fall 2015 Review Applicants?

<p>I've been checking the threads on here, but have not seen any recent posts regarding Fall 2015 review applicants & whether or not anyone has heard about their status - any review applicants out there hearing back? My daughter applied August 2nd, and is currently at "App Is Complete And In Review" on her AIS page. </p>

<p>Yes, I was accepted last week. I applied late August for Fall 2015.</p>

<p>I wrote this in another thread earlier this afternoon:</p>

<p>"I exchanged emails with the Asst Director of Admissions two weeks ago about the timing on Review Admits. He said that to date, about 30 Review Admits letters had gone out. He also said that probably 500 or so Review Admits would be offered admission by 12/31. So what this means is that the vast majority of Review Admits will hear from A&M admissions in 2015.</p>

<p>My D is in the group of strong Review Candidates (I think . . . . ), but I don’t believe she’s strong enough to be one of the few (500) to receive an offer before 12/31. Of course I’m suffering with all the angst of a Hopeful Aggie Parent like many of you too."</p>

<p>So, there will be Review Admits getting letters now, however, they will be the very strongest candidates that are not auto admits.</p>

<p>I’ve been checking for postings from holistic review applicants and have seen only one so far that has been admitted. Has anyone else out there that’s a review candidate been admitted for Fall 2015? </p>

<p>I posted earlier that I know a review candidate who was accepted Sept. 20. Class rank just missed top 10% (somewhere between 11-12%), and no, she was not an academic admit. Architecture major.</p>

<p>I heard or read that review candidates may start hearing on Nov 3rd- Hope so!</p>

<p>What would be considered a strong candidate. My s has high GPA, class rank 15% but sat not strong enough for auto admit. Frustrated, he would like to make his choice before spring.</p>

<p>Any review applicants heard anything this month? </p>

<p>My daughter’s application has been “complete and in review” since mid-August…not a word yet…checking daily!</p>

<p>My guess is that the Admissions team has to wait until after the application deadline to make decisions on most review applicants. Reason is that up until the 12/1 deadline, the Admissions department could still receive auto and academic admit candidates that will need a spot. So until they receive the complete package of all applicants, the team wouldn’t be in the best position to choose the Best and Most Qualified Review applicants. . . . </p>

<p>According to my discussions with the Admissions Department, most review applicants won’t hear anything until after 1/1/2015.</p>

<p>My daughter and I are in this same boat, and the wait is brutal. If you’re a tried and true Aggie, there is no good second choice . . . .</p>

<p>I’m relieved to hear we’re not the only ones checking daily and still not seeing anything. Waiting is indeed brutal. Prospective Student Center has told us we could hear any day but still nothing.</p>

<p>I ve heard od a few getting in today. We haven’t heard yet - unfortunately </p>

<p>Nothing here either.</p>

<p>On the general a&m class of 2019 thread, a person posted yesterday that they were accepted with a top 35% rank and a 30 ACT. (Review admit)</p>

<p>So, is the general consensus that the reviews will be notifed around Dec 1st?</p>

<p>My understanding is the majority of review applicants will be notified no sooner than 12/1, however, most likely later than 12/1. According to what I’ve seen, read, and heard here and elsewhere, most review applicants will hear something between 1/1/15 and 3/1/15 . . . . </p>

<p>I’m in this group waiting, and as a parent, it is absolutely brutal.</p>

<p>My daughter has been told by admissions that they suspect she will have an answer in January or February and to be patient. She’s actually doing well on the waiting and figures there is nothing else she can do about it now! </p>

<p>Second quarter, 2130 SAT, 4.126 GPA, strong EC, leadership and essays. </p>

<p>@alexislaner‌ yes that review applicant was me. I applied august 1st however. Most of my friends who are review admits haven’t heard back either mainly because test scores aren’t on par with what’s needed. At an privation I went to, I was told that out of the review admits that will be accepted, 1 in 5 of them will be notified before December. Hope this helps!</p>


<p>They only send out decisions on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 5pm. I used to check mine twice a day every day for months, but then found out from a Houston rep that they only post decisions twice a week. -class of 2018</p>