Revoked Admission Acceptances

I am currently taking AP Calc BC with UC Scout and I think I am going to get a D in the first semester of my senior year. All my other grades are As since freshman year except for one B and I have taken 8 other APs apart of Calc BC plus 5 honor courses. I am heavily involved in my community and school and hold various leadership roles. This class, however, is my 5th math class, meaning I already completed my a-g requirements and is just an extra math class I decided to take (a wrong one). Will this completely cause schools to revoke admissions or to deny admissions, even if I make up for it with summer courses?

Considering your previous experience (leadership roles, involvement in the community), and your past AP classes and honor courses, I don’t think colleges will revoke your acceptance, especially since this is one class and is not a requirement. A lot of seniors have a tendency to do worse during their last year, so it wouldn’t be too surprising to college admissions if your grades dropped a bit.

A D grade does not erase your hard work, so you should be ok!

I am going to say it depends upon the colleges. The UC’s are known not to be as forgiving as the Cal states since you specifically referred to the a-g requirements. You are required to notify the schools of any non-passing grade and the sooner the better. By offering to retake the course during the summer will definitely help you in these circumstances but it is up to each school how they will handle it. In general, no D’s or F’s Senior year is the provisional admission contract requirement even if you have fulfilled all the a-g courses.