Reynolds Hall - HELP

<p>Hello! </p>

<p>I'm looking at dorms and I know I want to be in a suite style dorm on/near Landis green. With that being said, there are a few to pick from and I have to list preferences. My priority number is 644 and my roommates is 728. Reynolds looks nice and isn't my first choice, but I wanted to know if the wellness contract is seriously enforced? I want to go out, party and have a good time and I figure who is going to know the difference? Any tips appreciated!</p>

<p>You have very good priority numbers, and plenty of other halls to choose from, so why would you take spots away from people who take the wellness contract seriously? It would be VERY selfish of you to complete that contract and KNOW YOU HAVE NO INTENTION OF ABIDING BY IT.</p>

<p>It’s my understanding that yes, it is enforced. If you aren’t going to abide by it, don’t waste your time or Housing’s time applying to live there. With your priority numbers, you can get almost any building you want. </p>

<p>Don’t waste your time, Housing’s time, the staff’s time, or whoever has to deal with you when you are inevitably caught breaking the rules’s time. Just apply for somewhere else.</p>