Rice RD 2026

The Rice/Baylor decisions should have been released in January or February.

As previously mentioned, Rice’s website says decisions for Rice/Baylor will be released by April 1. Normally applicants would hear a few days before that date, but if you can document your claim that they should already be out, please post that documentation as those who are waiting would find it most welcome.

I saw a post on another board dated 1/29 where a parent stated her child was selected to interview for the Rice/Baylor program. I’m assuming if they were just notifying about interviews at the end of January that they didn’t make any final decisions that quickly.

So it sounds like at the end of January they sent out rejections and invitations to interview.

And WOW - 16 invited to interview out of 1700 applicants. That’s crazy.

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The Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program is an 8-year joint program between Rice University and the Baylor College of Medicine. There are usually only about 6 Rice/Baylor students admitted each year. Students that do not make the Rice/Baylor cut can be admitted to Rice RD.

Anyone know how many applications were received? When decisions will be released? If my kid is going to be accepted? :rofl:


Do we know when Decisions come out?

I think she was referring to regular decision. They have not been released yet.

Yes, waiting for RD here.

Regarding how many applications were received, President Leebron said this is an email he sent out in February, “Early January marked the end of application season, and we now turn to decision season. Once more, we had a record number of applications, which surpassed 31,000. The increasing national and international reach and reputation of the university was reflected in our applicant pool, with 73% of the applicants U.S. residents from outside of Texas or international. Out of these applicants, we’ll select somewhat more than 1,100 students.”

They will give everyone a heads up regarding the date and time decisions will come out. If I had to guess I’d say towards the end of next week. But that’s just a guess.


Did he really intend to suggest that 1100 admissions would come from the 73%, or did he mean 1100 admissions altogether
or, more likely, did he mean they are targetting a class size of 1100, drawn from the 31000 applicants, side-stepping the yield factor and not mentioning the actual odds of getting a “Yes” response?

Last year the class was a little over 960, with a little under 2400 admissions on 27.1k applications
so around an 8-9% acceptance rate

With applications going up 4k (about 15%), and the class size target going up 140 (also about 15%), I’d expect the acceptance rate to be in the same overall 8-9% range again.

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I believe your admission/class size stats are outdated. The last year’s (2021)are:

TOTAL 29,544 (applicants) 2,802 (admits) 9% (per) 1,226 (enrolled), which is posted at the Rice website:

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I don’t know his intention but I interpreted it as there were about 31000 applicants and they are targeting a class size of around 1100. As @reach4skye said, last years class was a little larger but I was under the impression that was not intentional - I think they had more admits accept their spot than they expected last year.

The paragraph I quoted was just one in a long email that was sort of a summary of the last year. It wasn’t really focused on the admission process overall so it didn’t provide a lot of details. Usually more stats come out after the results are released.

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I think I pulled from a site that must’ve had 2020 info.

I went back and checked and this is when results were released the last 4 years:

2018 - 3/23 (Friday)
2019 - 3/26 (Tuesday)
2020 - 3/27 (Friday)
2021 - 3/30 (Tuesday)

So, if they hold the same pattern it could be this coming Friday, or the following Tuesday. Or, maybe they’ll mix it up this year! They do always give a couple of days notice. Last year they announced on the 25th that results would be out the 30th.


I wish some of these schools would release earlier. If not next week- I think kids (including my son) will have already become invested in other acceptances.


My D22 is also now heavily invested in 2 schools. The longer Rice waits, the less interested she will be. The bright side is that, if it’s a rejection, it won’t sting as much.


Maybe that’s their intent- so their yield improves? But I think Rice is perfect for my son but we never had a chance to visit.


We haven’t visited either. First it was due to Covid and then we figured we’d wait to see if she got accepted. Very much hoping we have a reason to visit in April :crossed_fingers:. Good luck to you!