Ridgecrest east/west v Ridgecrest South

Is there any real difference between C and D in RCS other than a few feet of space and what walls your share? Thanks for any input!

The big take away between C and D is the sleep patterns of your students. If a student likes to sleep earlier than a roommate put them on the end, especially if they are considered a light sleeper. This way no arguments between staying up in the living room/watching t.v. and the student wanting to sleep. All the rooms can be rearranged upon arrival so there is no difference in the amount of things you can fit in the room. C has a bump out so the window is farther out from the rest of the side of the dorm. The doors open differently in C and D. In C the door opens onto a wall that the bed would not go against (you still have 2 options of where to put the bed, either against the window or on the wall connecting to the living room) so it seems to take up less space. C also seems like a longer room so it seems to fit the bed easier and feels bigger (just my opinion after staying in the doors during Bama Bound). Although there is no real difference in the square footage (I don’t remember the exact measurements we took but it was either both 9 by 11 or 10 by 12). As a parent of a student with a light sleeper the decision should come down to good old fashioned bed times. The lighter/earlier sleeper on the end and your kids will have a great experience!