<p>The main difference between the two in my opinion is that Cambridge offers a more traditional, handholding college experience, whereas Cal is more of a do it your self school, where your future is decided completely by yourself. Neither is inherently worse than the other, it just depends on your personality.</p>
as well as suggesting choosing a college to avoid homeless people.
Look, I think this is a legitimate concern. It's not like many internationals are used to the many belligerent homeless the US is known for. It shouldn't be the sole factor in choosing a college, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be a factor.</p>
<p>Also, it is to my understanding that Cambridge is a difficult university in its own right, not a "hand-holding" experience that might be attributed to many US privates. If anyone has anecdotes to the contrary I'd like to hear them.</p>
<p>I haven't been to Cambridge so I'm really not qualified to discuss its merits beyond those known to most people. On the other hand, I know for certain that UC Berkeley's Computer Science department is renowned globally and is one of the best-- on par and frequently better than other CS heavyweights like MIT and Stanford. The Bay offers the best industry opportunity for CS by a long shot, imo. You're pretty much right smack in the heart of the Silicon Valley.</p>
<p>I think most of us are awed by the prospect of 'Cambridge,' (I know I am) but few of us really know enough about it to say much seeing that it is a foreign institution. Just look at the first page of replies. Probably every response, save a few are something along the lines of, "It's Cambridge. Duh." Which doesn't really say much, except that the name definitely draws attention in these parts.</p>
<p>I wonder if people in the UK, who probably know little about our colleges here, say "Wow! Berkeley!" upon hearing someone's prospects of attending :).</p>
I wonder if people in the UK, who probably know little about our colleges here, say "Wow! Berkeley!" upon hearing someone's prospects of attending.
<p>They did to me. =)
I played along and told them that I was a student. 2 years later, I'm in.</p>
<p><em>looks at catfight comments</em> Oh my God. </p>
<p>Just for clarification, I don't think I've made any racist comments in this thread. I really had no idea what the word "hobo" meant exactly. (so THAT's why GS4's Naruhodou was nicknamed Hobohodou and people objected to that nickname?) Please! put down that half-brick! </p>
<p>Phew, with that out of the way, I think I'll go to Cambridge for undergraduate and come to Berkeley for graduate ^_^ I can persuade the scholarship agencies to let me do it since Cambridge undergrad is only 3 years.</p>
<p>Yale is not famous for science? Think again! It is actually quite the opposite. See: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1060159004-post48.html%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1060159004-post48.html</a></p>
<p>I am in the similar situation with sakura_candy. I got accepted by both Berkeley and Cambridge. And my subject is Economics. </p>
<p>I feel it is a difficult and quite personal choice. Say, which one is supposed to provide more intern/ opportunities? Given they are both world class universities, I feel personal ability and potential will count more. And it is true everywhere, since only a fraction of top university graduates really succeed finally. There are also plenty of people accomplish without higher education.</p>
<p>Facing the tough choice, I really want to go to Cal compus and have a look. However it is not realistic because I am studying a-level in London now. </p>
<p>Can anyone tell me --is it safe living in Berkely compus? I heard, the criminal rates are relatively high in Cal compared to other top uni in US. In addition, do students get very limited care or communication from faculty? How many students live in a room? How about the social life?
<p>Berkeley is actually very safe. There are homeless people here and there. Random public urination here and there, but overall, I don't think it's as tragic as Columbia. Berkeley night life is very happening. There are jazz clubs, countless restaurants in all kind of price range. world renowned Chez Panisse is here. Students get limited care from faculty, but if you take the initiative to go and talk to them, they'd help you. If you ask stupid questions they will tell you to your face. If you feel confident you are one of the top students here, your choice of research projects is virtually limitless. There are quite a lot of interdepartment research projects.<br>
The internship opportunities are readily available. In fact, half of the students I know from the engineering department had some form of internship by the end of their senior year. You need to make this happen, however. The school will not hold your hands and lead you to these opportunities.</p>
<p>I think you're thinking of Oakland's crime rates. Berkeley is okay, a few armed robberies here and there (especially that flux last semester), but that's pretty normal at most urban college campuses....</p>
<p>My dad went to Cambridge and he really liked it. I think it would be a nice place to go there, but I think you should base it on what you want to study.</p>