right or wrong to not demand what is yours because you know you won't get it?

<p>This situation on a pretty small scale than my title might suggest.</p>

<p>Today, on the bus, I left my glasses (expensive/fragile) in their case on my notebook (all I had taken to school). I put them down gently after a friend sat on the seat nixt to it. (We were still waiting in the school parking lot at the time). Anyway, this idiotic piece of crap, already known to by nosy, annoying, pompous, abnoxious, impolite by almost everyone in school, gets into the bus, asks who the case belongs to and just snatches it (after I told him it was mine and not to touch it). He pretended not to hear me, opens the case, looks inside and throws it in my face intentionally trying to break it.
Needless to say, the plastic lenses were shattered; and the nail (it's a frameless) fell off. He pretended not to hear me swear and insult him and walked away.
Fixing the frame is going to cost me alot of money, but I know not to even bother to demand my money because he's a jerk andI know for a fact that he won't get me the cash. Should I demand what is rightfully mine even though I know he won't caugh it up, or pay for it myself and make his life hell every time I'm in a position of authority?</p>

<p>Of course, you should go to school authorities and ask for what is yours. The only thing that will stop a bully is people having the guts to stand up to them. This includes authorities such as school officials who can suspend or expel him or kick him permanently off the school bus.</p>

<p>Get your parents to help, too, as well as witnesses.</p>

<p>Your swearing and insulting him wasted your breath. Time to take out the big hammer -- by taking this situation to the school authorities.</p>

<p>Yeah I agree dont let that guy get away with it. First I would just ask him for the money to repair damages and if he didnt comply I would go to the school and complain.</p>

<p>You should definitely get the school to take disciplinary action (your friend could be a witness). He should pay for your new glasses and probably be suspended for assault or destruction of property.</p>

<p>This is one of those times when NOBODY will blame you for ratting this guy out. Really, just do it!</p>

<p>I agree with Anon. I find it hard to believe that someone would give you crap about telling the administration of your school under the circumstances.</p>

<p>I agree with everyone, but I also, would ask him to pay first. If he doesn't then complain, but give the loser a chance first.</p>

<p>Go right to the administration, and don't bother wasting time asking him to pay for them. He broke them on purpose in the first place, so it's not like he is going to pay for them now. </p>

<p>It is always best to go to some higher, impartial authority whenever you have to deal with situations like this. If this was a car accident, you wouldn't trust him to give you the $5000 you need to fix your car, you'd want a police report and his insurance information. That way the courts and his insurance company-- who have the power to do so-- can make him pay. It's the same thing with your glasses. He intentionally broke them, and so people who have the power to punish him must do it. Since the bus is school property and school rules are enforced, he can also be punished in school aside from having to pay for it.</p>

<p>I agree ^</p>

<p>Stand up for yourself. You deserve it.</p>

<p>Ask him to pay you, if he doesn't then report him. If none of that works then kick his ass or get him back. I am not telling you to do anything crazy, but it isn't good to keep things like that bottled up. </p>

<p>A swift kick in the balls solves most problems.</p>

<p>well, here's what happened today at school:
I was standing with a bunch of friends when the kid in question came over tosay hi (to all but me, but I didn't care). I asked him for the money to repair the glasses he broke and he said: "what glasses? what are you talking out?", I neglected his idiotic attempt to play dumb (he doesn't really need to play, he's a natural at it lol) and said: "these!", poining to the glasses I was wearing, which had a huge crack right accross the middle of one of the lenses (there's also some broken glass around the nail, so it can fall apart again any minute). so he said: "Are you on drugs? I'm not paying anything."</p>

<p>My friends urdged me to go to an administrator. So I did.
30 Seconds later the admin calls me, holding the kid by his shoulder, asks me if this is him, and what he did exactly. I explained briefly what happened (the kid denied everything of course, so I got a friend to "testify").
Basically, the guy humiliated the kid in front of my friends and I, and ordered him to pay me. At that point, I had forgotten about the money...the humiliation he had to go through was worth more than all the money he would have given me.
Anyway, The admin leaves and I tell him that I expect to get my money on thursday (tomorrow's a national holiday). So said that he won't pay me and walked away. I yelled back: "see u tomorrow with my money!" and began to laugh at him with all my friends.</p>

<p>I really don't think he'll give me anything.</p>

<p>Even if he doesn't, the good thing is that the administrator is involved. Don't just let it go if he doesn't give you the money initially.</p>

<p>If I were you I would've gotten a few friends and beat him up, but I guess you did the right thing.</p>

<p>Do you require the assistance of my thugz? :cool:</p>

<p>I don't think anyone wants your teddy bears, Chaos.</p>

<p>I could get a few people to beat him up, but I'm more of a pacifist lol. I'll wait and see if he gives me the money (which he probably won't).</p>