RISD or MassArt I need opions

<p>Hello, I'm not new to college admissions but I wanted to get people's feedback. I had originally attended USC, after two years I had to dropout, due to exterior factors. Now I am a freshmen at MassArt planning to get into architecture, and I want to transfer to RISD. I had been accepted in west coast art schools in the past such as Cal Arts and PasadenaArt Center. I am intrested if anyone have any opinions on east coast art and design schools. I just wanted people views and thoughts on MassArt and RISD. Thank you</p>

<p>Hi happypappy,
I am in the architecture program at mass art and considered transferring to risd. May I ask why you are thinking about transferring? Also I think Both schools are awesome. Mass art requires a strong desire to be there and its really funky and arty in my opinion which took a lot of adjustment on my part. I love Risd I would love to go there but I don’t want to spend the money (instate tuition for me is very low) and I really, really like the professors in the architecture department at mass art. The foundation program at mass art is very weak in my opinion. If you want to leave because you feel unchallenged or that the people are flaky I would consider staying. You also need to decide on how you feel about accreditation. Mass art is not naab accredited, risd is. as you may know this means that if you finish mass art you will need to go to graduate school to become a certified architect. Both schools are great. I also considered Pratt and was admitted as a freshman but didn’t like the feel of the school. It took a long time for me to realize the quality of education I will get at mass art rivals that of the education I would get at any private school. Still sometimes I wish I could go to both schools. So it guess this isn’t very helpful to you. If you have any questions about mass art and the architecture program I would be happy to answer them. Good luck</p>