Rising Senior Applying for College

This is currently my summer before becoming a senior and applying for college! I’ve been looking at some Nursing programs within colleges and not sure whether the programs are actually good. Is NYU, Columbia worth applying to for a pursuit of a BSN? What are some college application tips or info that I should make note of??

University of Pennsylvania has an outstanding nursing program. It has been ranked as the best nursing school in the world for the last three years in a row. Here’s the link for you to check it out. Good luck!


Disclaimer: My daughter is going into a direct-entry program this fall, so we just went through this a year ago.

No nursing program is worth going into significant debt for. They really are mostly the same in terms of what you learn … the differences are in where the clinical experiences are and how well they prepare you for the NCLEX. All nurses earn about the same after graduation (after accounting for regional differences).

My daughter decided direct-admission was key (something I agree with) and some regions of the country have more of those than others.

You should be able to find the above information on their websites; if not, call or ask on a visit. You will definitely want to visit the programs. Some we looked at were light and bright, and had up to do date simulators. Others were in a basement and seemed dreary. Some were smaller than others. With some you had to travel for clinicals, others were right across the street. You will want a nursing-specific tour wherever you decide to look, and ask some of those questions.

Program costs aren’t everything … it’s that “fit” that everyone talks about. But good nursing programs are available at most every price point and in every region. You don’t need an Ivy League education to be a nurse, or a very expensive program that will leave you with an unmanageable about of debt. You need a good program with solid clinicals and a proven track record of getting students through the NCLEX.

Good luck!

NYU is infamous for poor aid and and extremely high debt levels. Also, everything is extremely expensive in Manhattan, especially housing and food. There are plenty of affordable choices out there.

UPenn offers excellent need based aid. As a result, the typical middle class student would probably not pay more than at Penn State. However, consider it a reach because the admission rates are very low.