<p>I was told that they have not yet decided if past winners were going to receive the Robert C Byrd scholarship in New York</p>
<p>Can we start a list of the policies of different States with a link to any website that the parents or students can refer to. I have made a start and request others to add information and links to other states that they may know about and we can keep this current and be able to prod our own states if others states are doing things differently.</p>
<p>Arizona: No funding for 2011-12 <a href=“Search | Arizona Department of Education”>Search | Arizona Department of Education;
California: No new funding, awaiting information on current students [California</a> Student Aid Commission - Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program *](<a href=“http://www.csac.ca.gov/doc.asp?id=125]California”>http://www.csac.ca.gov/doc.asp?id=125)
Idaho No funding for 2011-12 [Robert</a> C. Byrd Scholarship](<a href=“http://www.boardofed.idaho.gov/scholarship/byrd.asp]Robert”>http://www.boardofed.idaho.gov/scholarship/byrd.asp)
Indiana: No information on the status, deadline for applications given [SSACI:</a> Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship](<a href=“CHE: Home”>CHE: Home)
New York: No Funding for 2011-12 [The</a> Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program:KIAP:NYSED](<a href=“http://www.highered.nysed.gov/kiap/scholarships/rcb.htm]The”>http://www.highered.nysed.gov/kiap/scholarships/rcb.htm)
Texas: Warning that it may not be funded beginning 2011 Fall Semester [College</a> For All Texans: Robert C. Byrd Scholarship](<a href=“http://www.collegefortexans.com/apps/financialaid/tofa2.cfm?ID=416]College”>http://www.collegefortexans.com/apps/financialaid/tofa2.cfm?ID=416)</p>
<p>I don’t know how to add to the list without losing mazewanderer’s links, so here is just one, for Wisconsin:</p>
<p>[Federal</a> Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program in Wisconsin](<a href=“http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/cal/byrd-schol.html]Federal”>http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/cal/byrd-schol.html)</p>
<p>We just received the letter from the Louisiana State Dept of Education that son will no longer receive the Byrd scholarship. He needs to send in his transcript by July 15th, and should get an award in the Fall of 2011. However, after that, he will no longer receive any money from the Byrd scholarship.</p>
<p>Nebraska: [url=<a href=“http://www.education.ne.gov/byrd/]http://www.education.ne.gov/byrd/[/url”>http://www.education.ne.gov/byrd/]http://www.education.ne.gov/byrd/[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Website: The Byrd Scholarship Program has not been funded for 2011 as a result of recent budget cuts made by the United States Congress. The program is slated to be eliminated in 2012. Therefore, since there will be no funding available, no scholarships will be awarded this year.</p>
<p>Letter: Stated they were still waiting to hear from Feds on whether renewals would be funded.</p>
<p>Since our letter stated it was not included in the Federal Budget for 2011, I wonder if there’s a chance it may be included in the 2012 budget. I just sent in son’s transcript so he could receive his final check in the Fall of 2011. We’re in Louisiana, but son goes to school in Alabama. There’s an instate program called TOPS funded by a wealthy benefactor that is in danger of being cut as well, as it is merit, not need based, but that’s a state, not a federal decision. </p>
<p>Any thoughts on what we can do to perhaps ask that it be included in the 2012 budget, and the current recipients could perhaps get reinstated for their final years in college?</p>
<p>We received the scholarship for son’s freshman year, and will receive a final check for the fall semester of his sophomore year. I know there would probably be a time lag if it is reinstated, but it would be a big help if son would receive the scholarship for even his senior year in college.</p>
<p>Unfortunately this is a larger problem as it is a part of the budget negotiations between the Republicans an Democrats at the Federal Level. Again, not taking sides, I do not believe that Robert Byrd Scholarships is high on the priority list for either party and there is no current champion for this, no Senator or Congressman who would insist that this be put back on the table and something else removed. Other aspects of educational funding have a lot of lobbyists making sure that it is not touched. Try to reform the student loan process to prevent for profit institutions making a mockery of it, or cut reserach funding that Universities thrive on etc. and you will be told 1000 reasons why it is a bad idea. </p>
<p>However, the only way you are going to get it back on the table is to talk to your Senator or Congressperson and if there are lot of people doing that it, it may come back. In the absence of that, I do not see a chance it will ever be added back at least in the near future.</p>
<p>Florida: No funding. [Florida</a> Student Scholarship and Grant Programs](<a href=“Home - Florida Student Scholarship & Grant Programs”>Home - Florida Student Scholarship & Grant Programs)</p>
<p>Moderator’s note:</p>
<p>So far, so good; thanks to all for keeping this neutral, with no posts “blaming” political parties or taking sides.</p>
<p>Georgia: Emailed about the renewal form and got this response in April:</p>
<p>*The Byrd program is facing elimination from President Obamas budget. </p>
<p>Should the program still be available, GSFC will send you a reminder letter and renewal application instructions in mid June for the upcoming 2011 - 2012 award year.</p>
<p>If the program is eliminated, GSFC will send formal communication as such to each scholarship recipient.*</p>
<p>We have not heard anything since.</p>