<p>"We here at the Robertson Scholars Program hope this e-mail finds you well and enjoying
the final months of your senior year in high school. We are contacting you in order to
learn more about you as part of our selection process for the Robertson Scholars Program
at Duke University. We invite you to participate in a phone conversation on the weekend
of February 28 - March 1, 2009. These conversations, in conjunction with candidates'
admissions applications, will help us select students to invite to our Finalists'
Weekend, held March 30 - April 2, 2009. "</p>
<p>i’m not sure what you mean “by distance.” since it’s just phone interview, that shouldn’t make a difference. email gets around as easily everywhere. since we are talking about 200 emails, everyone should hear by the end of day.</p>
<p>remember, only those selected get the email.</p>
<p>i know i know…god its nervewracking…i meant in terms of distance…like…they let sucessful instate know first, then they email oos then they email international.</p>
<p>I got that exact same email, except for the Robertson Scholars Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. I applied for both Duke and UNC’s, and getting one of these things is very prestigious.</p>
<p>For both Duke and UNC people, we get full tuition. We also get a free 3,000 dollar laptop and a buncha other stuff like free room and boards, free travel to amazing places over the summer, and, well, pretty much a program that means getting into a great Law or Medical school will be easy (as long as you keep your GPA high).</p>
<p>Also, Duke or UNC students study for a semester at the other university, which is awesome. </p>
<p>No use talking about all this though, unless we actually are one of the lucky few who actually gets the scholarship in the end, though :).</p>
<p>I did the supplement, and now, all I can do is cross my fingers and wait!</p>
<p>Congrats Pa123! You were amazing enough to be selected by the admissions officials! According to someone on another thread, very few non-supplement-filling people are selected.</p>
<p>^^unfortunately, yes. The instructions are explicit that only those invited to interview by phone are notified. By some time on Saturday there should be a notice posted on the Robertson Scholarship web page saying that if you haven’t received an email by now that you have not advanced.</p>
<p>Some have posted that their invitation came from UNC; others from Duke. According to the website, in the past there have been Scholars offered a spot at both schools. Has anyone received an invite to interview with both Duke and UNC’s scholarship? </p>
<p>^laxtaxi, i got the Duke email twice. i wonder if it were supposed to be one from UNC and one from Duke. I can’t say. Did anyone else get two emails sent within 10 min span?</p>
<p>Don’t feel bad Obiwan, you still may be in the running for the very elite AB Duke Scholarship. Only 15 are awarded each year at Duke and the awards seem to be more focused on the science/research type students. Notice for interviewing for these full-ride scholarships come out later. Also if you live in the Carolinas, there are other merit scholarships offered by Duke. Keep your hopes up.</p>
<p>itsme123, my guess is you received two emails close together because the application asks for more than one email address? Or maybe you put different addresses in the Duke application and the Rob supplement. Or, finally, if you sent a supplement, maybe you were selected both by the Duke admissions folks and the Robertson screeners. Either way, congrats. If it turns out you have two Dukes and only need one, please send the other this way. J/K.</p>
<p>I didn’t know that you had to apply to this scholarship separately… the Duke website said that you would be considered for merit aid during the regular selection process, right?
Is it too late for me to be considered for any scholarships?</p>